I narrowed my eyes at him in disbelief. “Two soldiers.”
“Right,” he nodded, then huffed out a laugh. “I think that shock might have loosened a few wires in the noggin,” he said, tapping his head.
I took another look around the corner, wondering why they were standing outside that door when there was literally hell raining down on them. “Eva has to be down there,” I turned, whispering to New Guy. “We have to be quick about this. I go high, you go low.”
“Right,” he nodded, but I wasn’t sure he was totally with it.
“Time to get some.”
“I got your six, boss,” New Guy answered.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I muttered to myself.
I spun around the corner and fired before the soldiers even had a chance to notice we were standing there. New Guy fired just a second after me, and both men dropped to the ground. We hurried down the hall and I swiped the card through the reader, but when I opened the door, the room was empty. Or I thought it was, until I shoved it open further and hit something.
I stepped around the door, my rifle at the ready, but all I found was a dead body. I knelt beside the man in the suit, noting the piece of metal sticking out of his neck. I grinned, knowing my girl had taken this asshole out.
“She’s on the move.”
“Are you sure, boss?”
“Yeah, she escaped. Let’s go hunt her down.”
I ran down the hallway,my breaths coming in harsh pants as panic threatened to overtake me. I had to be crazy stabbing that man and making a run for it. I didn’t have any skills to stay alive or escape from a government facility, but here I was, acting like a crazy person.
I turned, my eyes wide as four soldiers came bearing down on me. I took off at a run, turning the corner only to find myself in a long corridor full of doors. I started grabbing doorknobs as I ran, hoping I could find one to slip into without being noticed. The further I ran, the more I was certain I would be caught. But then one door swung open and I ducked inside, slamming the door and praying they hadn’t seen which room I ran into.
I leaned against the door, breathing hard as I listened to them pass, checking door after door. I looked around the room, hoping for something to defend myself with, but it was empty. The footsteps drew nearer and I backed away from the door, watching for the moment the handle turned and I was caught. My heart beat in time with their boots pounding outside the door.
“She’s in one of these. Check them all,” the voice yelled.
I swallowed hard, shaking my head as I grasped the far wall. I heard door after door slam until they were finally just outside my door. The handle turned and the door opened slightly.
“Here!” the man shouted, just before I heard a grunt and a loud thump on the ground. My brows furrowed as I waited for the door to be flung open. I heard several other thuds from outside, and then the door was kicked open. I couldn’t see who was in the doorway yet, but then he stepped out of the shadows, making himself known.
“Hello, my lady love.”
“Fox,” I breathed out, rushing over to him. “I’m not your lady love.”
He scratched at the side of his face. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.” He pulled a gun from his holster and held it out to me. “It’s fully loaded, one in the chamber. Point and shoot, got it?”
“You…you want me to hold that?”
“Well, I’d prefer you do more than hold it. See, I came down here to rescue you, so I’m all by my lonesome. It would be nice if you’d be my backup.”
“But,” I spluttered. “I’ve never fired a gun before!”
He frowned as he stared at me. “Haven’t you been on the run for like…several years?”
“And you’ve never held a gun?”