“If this goes sideways, I need you to get to her and hide her. You make sure no one will ever find her. And if you don’t, I will find you in whatever hole you’re hiding in, and I will personally see to it that every inch of skin is flayed from your body. Do you understand me?”
“Geez, boss. You asked for a favor and ended it with a death threat. Just so you’re aware, that’s not how you get someone to promise you something.”
“I’m not fucking around here, Fox.”
“I know. She’s your girl. I get it. Hands off and keep her safe. I’ll bring IRIS with me.”
“Hell no,” I snapped. “Are you fucking insane?”
“Boss, you have to admit, he’s good in situations like this.”
“He’s good at making a scene,” I retorted, running my hand through my hair. “If anyone, you take Dash.”
“Dash?” he whined. “Why don’t you just put a bullet in me now? Come on, that’s just mean.”
“What the fuck is your problem with Dash?”
“He knows shit, and he looks into shit.”
So, Fox had a secret he didn’t want anyone to know. I stored that little piece of information away for another time.
“I can’t tear apart the other teams. We still have to be able to operate.”
He sighed heavily. “Fine, I’ll get Dash onboard, but I’m telling you right now, that guy gets on my nerves and I won’t hesitate to take him out.”
“Yeah, I got it,” I rolled my eyes at the empty threat, knowing he would never take out a teammate.
But there was one more thing on my mind. After we went to this government compound, there could be problems with Rafe. I couldn’t allow us to be stuck there with no recourse.
“Fox, there’s one more thing.”
He sighed heavily. I could practically hear the annoyance rolling off his shoulders. “Fine, but hurry up. I was just about to put onThe Phantom Of The Opera. I feel the urge coming on.”
Thank God he was talking about the urge to kill and not to have sex. I didn’t need that in my brain. “We may have a Mexico situation on our hands if Eva comes with me.”
“Right, because of Rafe.”
“And I’m gonna need you to take care of that.”
“We rollin’ with a lot of ASS?”
“Affirmative. Bring ARTY too.”
He chuckled on the other end. “Will do, boss.”
“Chin up, head down, and one round in the chamber, in case you stick the bayonet,” I retorted, letting him know to be prepared for anything.
I hung up and walked back inside. The guys were all standing around staring at me, waiting for me to do something. Jack was the first to speak up.
“We can’t sit around waiting for her. That information Hayes has could be time sensitive. Rafe is waiting on you.”
“I know that,” I bit out. “I’m not leaving her behind. You saw her. Does she look like she’s a threat?”
“No, but what we think doesn’t really matter, and you know that. Rafe expects us there tonight. We need to start driving soon if we’re going to get there in time.”
“Just give Rae a chance to talk to her.”
Jack stood from his chair and walked over to me. “You have one hour. If you can’t get the information out of her in that time, Rae can stay here with Eva. But you’re coming with us.”