I took a step forward, completely aware that my attempts to be menacing were failing miserably. “I don’t need to see it. I’m based out of California, not the middle of tornado alley. This has to be the worst fucking spot ever to build a business.”
He just grinned at me. “Give me a half hour to change your mind. If I don’t, I’ll have you returned to the hospital and your lady love before the day is out.”
I gritted my teeth. It wasn’t like I really had a choice anyway. I had no vehicle, and even if I did, there was no way I could drive it. I wasn’t sure if I was even cleared to fly. I was basically fucked.
“Fine. You have half an hour.”
“Great!” He clapped his hands together and nodded to Johnny, who popped the trunk and pulled out a fucking wheelchair. “Can’t have you collapsing and dying before you hear my offer.”
“How kind of you,” I bit out. Once it was opened, I took my seat as they wheeled me toward a building that didn’t look even slightly big enough to house a new company. Where would we train? This was big enough for maybe a dentist’s office.
Johnny lifted the front wheel to get me over the curb, then hoisted the back up as Jason opened the front door. It was the typical reception area, but so far, I wasn’t seeing anything impressive.
“This is it? You think this would entice me?”
“Hold on,” Rafe sighed. “Geez, you’re so fucking impatient.”
“Well, I was kidnapped and taken to fucking Kansas.”
He walked over to an elevator and hit the button. I frowned, wondering why a one story building would have an elevator. He grinned as he watched my obvious confusion, then stepped on as the doors opened. I was pushed inside and turned around as the doors closed. He hit the down button and the elevator slowly sank three floors before opening again.
Rafe stepped out and waved his hand dramatically. “Welcome to your new digs, a redesigned nuclear missile silo.”
Gripping the arms of the wheelchair, I slowly pushed myself up and looked around at the impressive facility. It was decked out with all the latest technology in handprint and keypad systems to enter rooms. There were cameras down every hallway, positioned so no section of the hallway was ever missed. And that was only what I was seeing in the first few seconds.
“Holy shit.”
“I know,” he sighed. “I didn’t really want to let this one go. I put a lot of work into making it just how I wanted it. But then I sort of felt bad for attacking you and your girlfriend—even though you fucked up my compound. I took a lot of flak for that,” he said angrily. “But still, I thought I needed to make a peace offering.”
It was fucking amazing from what I could see. If the rest of the silo was anything like this, I would kill for this property. But Rafe never did anything for free.
“What do you want?”
“Why would you assume—”
“Don’t fuck with me, Rafe. What do you want?” I said slowly, enunciating each word.
“Fine,” he held up his hands. “The occasional job.”
“And you take on Jack’s team.”
“After that fiasco at the compound, I was reassigned. It’s a better position, but it means I lose control of Jack’s team, and I really can’t afford for just anyone to get their hands on them. They’d still be working primarily under me, working on black ops assignments, but also working under you, if that makes sense.”
“The answer is still no.”
“And of course, we’ll provide you with funding for the next five years until you can get back on your feet, along with all the latest in weapons and technology. I even have this amazing room set up for that chick…what was her name?”
“Rae,” Johnny answered.
“Right. And despite creating this amazing training center, I’m willing to give it all to you.”
I was having a harder and harder time telling him no. Funding would go a long way to getting us back on our feet. And I couldn’t deny I was intrigued by the weapons and technology. Rae would shit her pants about the IT room created all for her. But this was Rafe, and things always came at a price, one that I was assuming he was holding back for just the right moment.
“The answer is still no. It will always be no. Do you know why?”