“You’ll do fine,”I said hoarsely to Eva as she prepared for Eli and his team to take her to testify.

Over the last two days, I’d finally gotten my voice back, though it was rough and still took some time to get the words out. It was a side effect of the surgery and the swelling in my throat from all the damage. The neck brace had been removed yesterday, but I still had to be careful about moving around while I healed. At this rate, it felt like I was never going to be able to leave the hospital, and the liquid diet they had me on didn’t even begin to fill the hunger inside me.

Eva took a shuddering breath and nodded confidently. “I’m not worried about it. I just…it’s finally going to be over. I can’t believe it.”

“Technically, it won’t be over for a while,” Eli cut in. “These things take time, even if they bring back a guilty verdict.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, looking between the two of us.

I gave a slight shake of my head, but Eli didn’t see it.

“Even if the jury returns a guilty verdict, he can appeal. And the judge could release him on bond during the process.”

“What?” she said in shock. “No one ever told me that. I thought this was all going to be over!”


“Holy shit,” she muttered, pressing her hand to her forehead.

I worried she was going to back out, but she laughed and turned to Eli. “Then we’d better make sure this testimony is so good the judge doesn’t even think about allowing bond.”

She walked to me, leaning over to press a kiss to my mouth. I wished I had the energy to pull her to me and make her stay, but I was still tired as hell. I needed a vacation from this damn hospital bed.

“Alright, I’ll see you when I’m done.”

“I’ll be here,” I grinned.

She smiled and walked out the door. I was left all alone, staring at the TV. I wished like hell I was with her today. I knew it would be difficult, especially on cross-exam, but at least she wouldn’t have to be in the courtroom with the governor.

I drifted in and out of sleep, bored out of my mind. My team wasn’t allowed to contact me during her testimony, so I had no choice but to wait for them to return.

“Time for your meds,” a nurse said as he walked inside. He was wearing a mask, which I thought was odd, and they had already lightened my dose yesterday, so I was confused why they were giving me more.


But that was all I got to say as the nurse pushed the medicine directly into my line. I stared up at him as the drugs took hold, recognizing his eyes from somewhere. But then everything faded to black and I was out.

* * *

“What the fuck,”I muttered as I woke up laying down in the back seat of an SUV. The ride was rough, to say the least, but at least I didn’t feel any worse for wear. If anything, I actually felt a little better.

“Hey,” a familiar face grinned at me. “You’re finally awake.”

Fucking Johnny. I knew those eyes were familiar. The question was, why the fuck was I here? I tried to sit up, but it was difficult moving my neck at the moment.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. We’re here anyway, so just stay put until I can help you.”

“Help me? You fucking kidnapped me from the hospital.”

“Did I? Or did I help you escape?”

“Does my team even know where I am?” I croaked.

He snorted. “That would be stupid, don’t you think?”

I sighed as he pulled to a stop. When he came around to my door, another familiar face waited for me.

“Bet you didn’t think you’d see us anytime soon,” Jason said. “Yet here we are, and here you are.”