“The lights are out. We’re not seeing much of anything.”
“Fuck,” I swore. We hadn’t had time to install the panic room yet. We didn’t have a safe place to stash Eva while we searched the property. “Take Thumper and box her in. Do not make her a bullet magnet,” I said slowly and full of all the threat I had in me.
“Roger that,” he answered.
“Everyone else, saddle up. Condition one.”
“Affirmative. Targets are moving fast…and all over.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” I asked, running faster to get to the other side of the property. Fuck, I hated being at the ass end of nowhere.
“Boss, I’m not sure what to make of this. They seem to be everywhere. I’m getting reads all over the fucking place.”
Fox and I slowed as we got closer, not wanting to alert the targets we were approaching. Moving swiftly through the darkness, I looked for any movement, but it was too damn dark and we were going in blind.
“Where the fuck are they, Eli?”
“Boss, they’re all around you.”
Fox and I exchanged an incredulous look. “How many?”
“Twelve at least. You’re right the fuck on top of them!”
A rustling nearby had me spinning around with Fox at my back. But what jumped out was not what I expected. “It’s a fucking rabbit,” I said, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Then what the fuck is coming through the other side of the property?” Eli asked.
Fox and I exchanged looks as dread surged through me. “It’s a fucking setup!”
I raced back toward the house, knowing whoever set this up was already going for Eva. My legs pumped hard and my heart raced out of control at the thought that I might be too late. I knew Thumper and Eli would protect her with their lives, but sometimes that wasn’t enough. The first shot almost stopped my heart, but the second, followed by Eva’s scream, nearly killed me.
I came around the side of the house just as IRIS tackled him to the ground, slamming the butt of his gun down hard on the man’s head. Knowing the situation was under control, I shoved the door open and raced down the hall, seeing Eva on the floor against the wall, shaking hard.
She looked up at me, then shoved to her feet and ran at me, her body slamming into mine as she wrapped her whole body around mine. She held on like a monkey, her arms nearly choking me. But I never let go. I carried her into the bedroom, glancing at the bullet hole in the wall that was just a little too close for comfort. The guys would have a tight perimeter around the house now, and I was positive Fox was already stringing the guy up for interrogation.
Eva was shaking hard in my arms, and no matter how many times I ran my hand down her back, she couldn’t calm down.
“I’ve got you. I swear to God, no one’s getting to you.”
She buried her face in my chest, and for the first time in a long time, she broke down in front of me. We’d had a lot of close calls in the past, but this one felt worse. We were so close to ending this, only to have someone come after her.
“Boss,” Eli said from the doorway. He jerked his head for me to follow. How the hell was I supposed to walk away from Eva right now? Luckily, Rae walked in and sat beside us, taking Eva’s hand in hers. I knew this wasn’t really her forte. She didn’t like being the girly girl, but she did it for me.
I pried myself from Eva’s grasp, cupping her cheeks in my hands. “I have to go find out what’s happening. Stay with Rae.”
“It’s safe now. I promise.”
I had never lied so hard in my life. I had no idea if it was safe or not, but I wouldn’t know until Eli filled me in. Right now, I had to do my job. I kissed her hard and stood quickly, forcing myself away from her.
“What do you have?”
“Fox is taking care of him. We have men posted around the house and the rest are searching the property. Dash is going through the footage, looking for any tangos lingering around.”
“Take me to him.”