“What the hell is this place?”New Guy asked. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“No shit,” Rae said, staring out her window. “A government facility buried in a fucking mountain. This is insane.”
“And it’s been here all along and none of us knew about it?” New Guy continued. “I think if our tax dollars are going to pay for shit like this, we should at least know about it.”
I stayed silent as I drove ahead. The fact that this was a secret facility wasn’t the scariest part about all this. What worried me most was that nobody knew our location. The marine inside me screamed that I needed an extraction point, a plan to get out in case this all went FUBAR. Hell, I didn’t even really want to be here, but a request from Rafe wasn’t so much a suggestion as being voluntold.
Eva sat in the back seat, staring out the window into the darkness of the massive tunnel we were driving through. I’d already been told by Jack as a warning that there would be a final checkpoint where we’d all be searched and all weapons would be seized. None of us were very happy about that, and I even suggested that Rae and New Guy sit this one out, but they weren’t letting me walk into the lion’s den alone, armed or not.
The soldier posted on duty directed us to pull aside. I was guessing this was the moment of the search. I parked the SUV and got out as directed, pulling Eva close to me.
“He’s going to pat you down and make sure you have no weapons on you. I’ll be right here, okay?”
She nodded, but I could see the concern on her face.
“Turn around and face the vehicle,” the man commanded. I did as he asked, nodding to Eva to do the same. The man searched me first, then moved on to Eva. I kept eye contact with her the entire time, and when her eyes went wide and her lips started to tremble, I broke eye contact just long enough to see the man taking just a few too many liberties as hesearchedher body. I grabbed him by the arm, yanking it up behind his back as I shoved him into the vehicle face first. I quickly removed his gun and held it to his head.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Cash!” Rae said as she rushed around the vehicle.
“What part ofsearchallows you to put your hands on her like that?”
“I—I was just doing my job,” he said sternly, but I could smell the fear on him.
“Maybe you want me to search you in the same way.”
“Sir, you need to step back,” another soldier yelled at me as he held his weapon on me. I spun the man around, still holding onto him with his own gun pointed at his head.
“Go find Rafe. You tell him to get his ass out here, or I’m driving out of here with my team.”
“Cash,” Johnny approached, his own gun pointed at me. “They were just searching her. It’s normal.”
“Is it normal for a soldier to grab a woman’s pussy as he’s searching her?” I spat.
His face darkened as his gaze flicked to the man I was currently holding hostage. He holstered his weapon and stood down, waiting for Rafe to join us. It took way too fucking long for him to get out here, and I could feel the soldier tensing, preparing to make a move.
“Whatever you’re thinking, just remember, if you make even the smallest move, I will put a bullet in your head. I won’t even hesitate.”
“I’d listen to him,” Rae warned the soldier. “He doesn’t fuck around.”
The man steadied himself under my hold, gritting his teeth in irritation. I didn’t give a fuck what his job was or who he answered to. I didn’t tolerate that kind of behavior.
“What the fuck is going on?” Rafe shouted as he walked out, standing back in the shadows out of sight from everyone.
“Your man decided to take a few liberties while searching Eva, and I didn’t appreciate it.”
“Dawes!” Rafe shouted. “Take care of it.”
Another soldier walked over to us, grabbing the man out of my arms and shoving him to the ground, yanking his arms behind his back as he secured his hands. Then he stood and held out his hand. “Sir, I’m going to need you to hand over your weapon.”
I flicked the safety on and handed it over against everything in me. Then I pulled Eva to my side and glared at the soldier, letting him know I would fuck him up if he even thought of trying the same thing. Another soldier stepped up, nodding to me.
“If you’ll follow me…”