I shrugged. “I’m not sure exactly. There was a lot of white stuff in the air, heroin I assumed. They were packaging it up and putting it in crates. They also had large crates of money, all one hundred dollar bills. The bleach I told you about was in large barrels.”
“They were bleaching money?” Johnny asked. “So, not just selling drugs, but from the sound of it, counterfeiting money. But for who?”
“I never found out, but I have something that might help.”
They all looked at me, stunned by that revelation. “You have proof other than the recordings?”
“Yes. When they held me in the room, there was a fire in the main part of the barn. Everyone was rushing to get the crates moved out of the barn. The smoke was so thick, it was coming into the room. Governor Walton grabbed me to get me out of there. I don’t think he wanted me to die until he was sure there was no evidence out there about him. And as he was dragging me down the hall, I took my chance and kicked him in the balls. Then I grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him over the head.”
“Badass,” New Guy grinned.
A small smile tilted my lips for just a moment. “We were in some locked down area of the barn. It must have been where they did business, because you needed a keycard to get out. I had seen him put it in his inside jacket pocket. I grabbed it, and felt a book in there. I took that too, and ran for my life. I was out there for days, running through fields and tall grass…” I drifted off for a moment as I remembered those terrifying nights, not wanting to sleep in case someone got too close. “Anyway, when I got far enough away, I stumbled upon a house with an elderly couple. They let me come in and clean up. They fed me and let me stay there for a week while I tried to figure out my next move. While I stayed there, I looked through the ledger. It was filled with names and dates of shipments, anyone he worked with was implicated.”
“Like who?” Cash asked.
“Border patrol, Tucker—the distributor, a few of his staff members that were complicit. I’m sure there’s more than that. I got a freezer bag from the lady and buried it in her back yard when they went into town one day. I knew I couldn’t keep it on me. If I was caught with it, I would be dead.”
“But there’s still the other evidence—the video footage,” Cash added.
“I gave Rae the name of the man my aunt was staying with. She’s going to see if she can find him. If they’re still alive—” My voice caught in my throat, but I refused to think that she was dead. Noah was a conspiracy theorist. He was probably prepared for anything. “If they’re still alive, I can get the last of the evidence against him.”
Cash looked at the others. Jack nodded, walking to the back door. I didn’t know what that meant, but I hoped I would get to stay with Cash. Even though Rae said she would protect me no matter what, I felt safest with Cash, and the thought of leaving him terrified me. It was strange, for so long I didn’t think I could rely on anyone but myself, and now I was hoping with everything in me that I would never have to leave Cash’s side again.
“What’s going to happen now?” I asked Cash as he stood beside me.
He took my hand in his, squeezing it tightly. “I’m hoping that’s enough to convince Rafe to let me bring you with.”
“And if it’s not?”
He glanced down at my our joined hands, his face twisted in consternation. “Fox has instructions to get you out,” he said quietly. “I promise you, nothing will happen.”
I wanted to believe him, but after everything that had happened, I didn’t have much faith in anything.
“Trust me, kitten,” he grinned. “I won’t ever let anyone hurt you again.”
“It would be nice if I didn’t have to rely on others,” I said somewhat irritatedly. “I love that you want to protect me, and I’m so grateful that you’re on my side. But I wish I was strong enough to do it myself.”
He cupped my cheek as he stared into my eyes. “When this is all over, I’ll stick you in the ring with Fox and he won’t let you out until you can kick my ass. You won’t be a kitten anymore.”
My lips split into a grin as I shook my head. “You know, one of these days, I’m going to make you regret calling me a kitten at all, and not just because it’s a terrible nickname.”
“I count on it.” He pressed his lips to mine in a searing kiss full of promises of things to come. I wanted nothing more than to go upstairs with him and find out just what his lips felt like on other parts of my body, but I knew we didn’t have the time for that. Besides, I didn’t want my first time with him to be in a house full of other people.
The door opened and Cash broke the kiss, stepping back from me as he glanced at Jack. “So?”
He cocked his head curiously. “He says you should bring her. In fact, he damn near demanded it.”
Cash shook his head slightly, staring at the three men that he said worked for Rafe. “That doesn’t make any sense. Rafe doesn’t ever do anything for anyone else unless it fits his agenda.”
“I’m confused, do you want her to be protected or not?” Jack snapped. “Because I just went to bat for her and got her an invite along. Would you like me to call him back and tell him you’re leaving her behind?”
“No,” Cash said quickly, still looking confused. “You’re right. We should head out.”
I grabbed his hand before he walked away. “Is this okay? You don’t seem like you want me to go.”
“I didn’t expect it,” he answered. “I’ve known Rafe for a long time, and I didn’t think he would…It doesn’t matter. The closer to me you are, the safer it is.”
He pulled me into his arms and held me close. No matter how much he reassured me I couldn’t help but feel that something more was going on, and it wouldn’t turn out how either of us planned.