I looked up at her with uncertainty, fearing I would see acknowledgement that I was right. “Wow, you really are full of yourself, aren’t you?”


“Do you really think Cash is thinking about whether or not he’s good enough for you?”

“No, but he’s Cash.”

“Exactly, and he’s atake me as I amkind of guy. He likes you for who you are.”

“Yeah, but…did you ever see that movieSpeed?”

“Terrible movie. I mean, great for fiction, but seriously, no bus could have made that jump.”

“That’s…not…” I shook my head at her missing the point. “They fell in love under stressful circumstances. And then she was with someone else in the second movie!”

“Is that really what you’re basing this on? A movie?”

“Well…I guess?”

She slapped her hands on the ground and stood. “I take it back. You’re really fucking stupid. Who in their right mind bases their relationship on a fucking movie?”

“I’m just comparing the situations. It’s very realistic that my relationship with Cash could turn out the same way…if he makes it out of surgery alive,” I added solemnly. “I just need to know that I can stand on my own, that I’m not with him for what he can give me.”

“Well,” she sighed, “I guess I’m on your side there. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation either.”

I leaned my head back against the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “But all of that seems so stupid at the moment.” I shook my head in frustration. “I can’t believe he did that. He’s so stupid.”

“He loves you. Of course he’d jump in front of a bullet for you.”

“He could die,” I whispered, tears coming to my eyes again. “I need to see him. I can’t just sit here and wait for answers.”

“Unfortunately, that’s what you have to do.”

I looked up at her. “Could you do it? If it was someone you loved, and they were possibly dying in a hospital, could you just sit back and hope for the best?”

She groaned, rolling her head back. “Why? Why do I always get myself in these situations? Fine, you’re coming with me, but we do things my way.”

I jumped up, relieved to finally be getting somewhere. “So, you’re taking me?”

“We’re going to need Fox and New Guy. You can’t question my methods, and you can’t tell anyone that I’m doing this for you.”

“I’m good with that.”

“I’m going to regret this,” she said as she turned for the door.

* * *

“I’m feelinga little uneasy about all this,” New Guy said as we walked into the hospital. “After last time, you know, jumping out a window and all…”

“You jumped out a window?” I said incredulously, only for Rae to pinch me.

“Keep it down. We’re trying not to draw attention to ourselves,” she hissed.

I was wearing this ridiculous wig that was something out of the 80’s. It was cut all short and choppy, and it wasn’t my color at all, but I guessed that was the point. I also had on a mustache, which was tickling me like crazy. Apparently, New Guy had the idea to dress me up like a guy. He got the idea from that Julia Roberts movie and insisted it was brilliant. I thought for sure the haircut would give me away, but it was the only way to do it. The longer strands of hair still hid my face for the most part.

Rae also had to tape my breasts down, which was uncomfortable as hell, but I would do literally anything she asked to get in to see if Cash had survived. We still hadn’t heard from Eli, which made me queasy just thinking about what we might be walking in on. If he died, I knew I’d lose it and blow our cover.

“There’s Eli,” Rae whispered. “I already told him we were coming, so just act normal.”