“Eli,tell the judge Eva won’t be testifying today. I need a meeting with Hensley before we take this any further.”

“On it, boss.”

“Rae, get us out of the city, and lose whoever’s following us.”

I caught her nod in the rearview mirror. I didn’t know for sure that anyone was following us, but if they were, I had Thumper’s team tailing us.

“Boss, what’s going on?” Fox asked.

I shot him a glare. There was no way I was discussing this in front of Eva. Moments later, as expected, my phone rang. Hensley’s number popped up on my screen, no doubt calling to chew my ass out for leaving the courthouse.

“We need to meet,” I said in a clipped tone.

“What the fuck was that? We had a deal,” he argued.

“We’re not doing this over the phone. Meet us at the safe house, and you’d better fucking come alone.”

“Fine, but you really fucked things over. The judge is livid.”

“I don’t give a shit. We’re not doing this until we have a few issues worked out. You have one hour, and then I’m pulling the plug on this whole goddamn thing!”

I hung up as he started to argue with me. Rae didn’t need further instructions. She knew where to go. We had a safe house set up outside the city for meeting with Hensley. There was no way I was letting anyone close to where we were keeping her.

“Eli, we’re headed to the safe house to meet Hensley,” I said over comms. “Get your ass over there and clear it. Call me when it’s done.”

“Copy that,” he replied.

“Cash, what is going on?” Eva asked. “Why didn’t we go in?”

I couldn’t tell her what I saw. It would scare the shit out of her. We needed a better plan in place, and I wasn’t about to take her back before we worked that shit out.

“The reporters weren’t supposed to be there,” I lied, hoping it would satisfy her. “If they fucked that up, what else didn’t they take care of?”

Fox quirked an eyebrow at me, knowing I was lying, but he didn’t say anything. Eva took a deep breath and relaxed into her seat. We drove around until the call came in that the safe house was cleared, then we headed over. When I got out, I immediately took Eva inside, but I didn’t want her overhearing what we said.

“Eva, I need you to go with Rae.”


“Just do this for me.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, obviously pissed with me. “Cash, tell me what’s going on.”

“I will,” I said, holding back my anger. “But first I need to talk with Hensley. I promise, once I have more information, I’ll fill you in.”

She didn’t look at all ready to give in, but she nodded and followed Rae out of the room, who happened to shoot me a dirty look over her shoulder. She didn’t like being left out either. Hensley showed up just short of the one hour mark and I led him over to the study, shutting the door after Fox and Eli joined me. Everyone else was on perimeter watch.

“You’d better have a really fucking good reason for not showing up in court today. The judge was ready to dismiss the whole fucking trial.”

“Bullshit,” I hissed. “She has the grand jury testimony. She knows what we have on this asshole.”

“Then why did you leave?”

“Because there was a fucking shooter across the street,” I shouted, getting in his face. “I fucking told you there was a threat, and you didn’t believe me!”

He paled slightly, taking a step back. “No, we had eyes everywhere.”