I glanced at the clock. It was only one in the morning. “I woke up alone.”
“I know,” he sighed. “I’m sorry. I just want to make sure we’re covered everywhere.”
“We are,” I said confidently. If there was one thing I was absolutely sure about, it was Cash’s ability to handle any situation. “You’ve been planning for months.”
“Yeah, but the FBI is causing problems.”
I knew all about that. I had overheard him yelling at his contact, though he thought I didn’t know anything about it. He didn’t want me to worry, and I appreciated it, but I felt better knowing there were issues. I could work through those issues in my head, but only if I knew about them.
I rested my hands on his shoulders, waiting for him to look up at me. “Hey, I know you’ve got this. I trust you.”
He sighed heavily, wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his head against my chest. Running my hands over his back, I could feel the tension running through his muscles. He was wound tight, ready to snap if things even appeared to be going wrong. But he wouldn’t stop going through this stuff unless I convinced him it was necessary.
“I need you,” I whispered.
“Eva, I have so much to do—”
I gripped the sides of his head with both hands and pulled him back, forcing him to look at me. “No, I mean…I’m scared,” I said honestly. “With everything going on in just a few hours, I can’t…”
Though it was true that I wouldn’t be able to sleep without him, I had been getting more sleep than him. And whether he wanted to believe it or not, he needed sleep to survive. This was about him more than me.
He immediately picked up on what I was saying and closed his laptop. The transition from owner/operator to protector/lover was instantaneous. He took my hand and guided me out of the room, nodding to Eli as he passed. Eli winked at me in congratulations. Nobody had been able to get Cash to shut down over the past few months.
As he led me upstairs, I gripped his hand tight, snuggling into his side as we walked to the room. He shed his own clothes as I climbed into bed, but the minute he was behind me, he was undoing the buttons on my shirt and tossing it to the side. Wrapping his arms around me, his hand rested over my breast, but within seconds, I heard his breathing even out. I smiled and closed my eyes, grateful I was able to drag him away from the office for just a few hours.
* * *
I stoodin front of the mirror in my dress for the trial. I looked too prim and proper, but that’s what the prosecution wanted me to wear. I ran my hands down the skirt and took a deep breath. I was really going to do this. I would have to sit there as the governor stared at me with disdain, knowing he wanted me dead. And what about the drug dealer guy? Would he be there also?
It sent chills down my spine to even think about seeing either of them again. But I had Cash with me, and a team surrounding me. It would be fine. They couldn’t touch me in the courtroom. I was just considering sitting down before I fell over when the door opened and Cash walked inside. He was all cool and calm, completely in work mode as he strode over to me.
“We need to leave.”
I nodded and grabbed my purse off the bed. I wanted to bring my throwing knives, but Fox told me I wouldn’t be able to sneak them into the courthouse. However, as my protection detail, he was cleared to carry a gun, so that was something.
Cash grabbed me by the elbow, guiding me out of the room and into the hall. Everything about him was distant, which didn’t make me feel better at the moment. I knew he needed to be clearheaded, but I was scared and needed him.
“When we get in the car, we’ll go through the procedures again. Rae will be with you at all times. If you need to use the bathroom, your security detail will clear the bathrooms first, and Rae will accompany you inside. Once you’re in the courtroom, you’ll have them sitting behind you—”
“Wait,” I stopped, yanking my arm out of his grip. “What do you mean? I thoughtyouwere on my security detail.”
“I am, but I’m running point.”
My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You’re not going to be with me?”
“I need to call the shots, and I can’t do that if I’m right beside you.”
“But the only reason I agreed to do this was because you said you would be with me,” I argued. “I can’t do this without you.”
“No!” I shouted. My whole body started shaking uncontrollably. I was melting down, losing the thin string of hope that this would all go off without a hitch. He was my support, but now he was telling me he wouldn’t be there. Shaking my head, I backed up until I hit the wall.
“Eva, I can’t be on your detail. I’m too close to this.”
“So am I,” I snapped. “You promised,” I cried. “You fucking promised you would be with me.”
“My team will be there—”