The dayI finally got to take off the sling for good was the best day of my life. It had been weeks since I had the surgery, and I ended up having to wear it longer because I hadn’t rested like the surgeon told me. That tended to happen when you were on the run, though. Not to mention that crawling through a tunnel hadn’t exactly helped things.
My shoulder was stiff and hurt when I tried to rotate it, but Cash brought in the best physical therapist for me, making sure that I did all my exercises every day. The man was sworn to secrecy and forced to stay in the house with me while I recovered. He was stripped of his phone upon coming on the property, which I thought was a little insane until Cash explained that he was an outsider and couldn’t be trusted to keep our location a secret.
“Give me one more rep, Eva.”
I sweated through the pain, pushing myself further than I did yesterday. This was what my days consisted of, lots of pain for a little gain. And even though it hurt like a bitch, I could tell I was getting stronger every day. The only problem was that the person Cash brought in as my physical therapist was a man, and Cash had a major problem with that.
Evan stood behind me, helping me to stretch my arm further. His hand ran up the length of my arm, holding me in position as he counted down. “That’s it. Keep pushing.”
I closed my eyes and breathed through the intense strain I was feeling. Sweat slipped into my eyes as soon as I opened my eyes, but when he released my arm, I grinned knowing that I had completed every exercise he gave me.
“That was awesome,” he grinned, his hands landing on my shoulders as he started to massage them. “Let’s get you cooled down.”
He guided me over to a bench and I sat down as he straddled me from behind. His strong hands dug into the muscles, working out the aches. I groaned when he hit a particularly sore spot.
“That feels so good.”
“Yeah, I know. Better than sex, right?”
I could hear the laughter in his voice, but he was wrong. Nothing was better than sex with Cash. But, I wasn’t about to fill him in on that. When Cash’s deep voice boomed behind me, I knew it didn’t matter if I said anything or not.
“I don’t think sex has anything to do with therapy.”
Evan turned swiftly, standing up to face Cash. I sighed, knowing my massage was over, no matter how badly I needed it.
“Sir, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Cash bit out.
“Right, I have to fill out today’s paperwork.” He turned back to me with a wink. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Eva.”
I nodded to him, careful not to let Cash see me smirk. He was on edge lately, and having another man in such close proximity to me was making him cranky. Which was actually pretty funny considering how many men surrounded me on a daily basis.
“Cash,” I said in a warning tone.
He walked past the guy, shoving his shoulder into him as he went. I sighed, wondering when this pissing contest was going to end. To Evan’s credit, he just shook his head with laughter as he tossed a towel over his shoulder and walked away.
“Eva, he had his hands on you.”
“Yep,” I nodded. “He’s a physical therapist. One thatyouhired.”
“Are you trying to say something?”
“Yeah, if you didn’t like a man being around me, you should have hired a woman.”
“He was the best.” He continued to stalk over to me until his arms were wrapping around my waist and pulling me close. My breath caught in my throat as his lips descended on my throat. My eyes slid closed and my arms wrapped around his neck. Despite the sweat pouring from my body, he continued to leisurely suck on my skin.
“And what are you going to do when you walk in on me in the pool with him?”
“We don’t have a pool,” he murmured.
“Semantics,” I mumbled, closing my eyes and pretending we were back in the bedroom.
“Are you feeling better?”
I nodded, not able to say anything else.
“I want you to start working with Fox.”