“It’s in good financial standing. Most of their research is pretty well undocumented.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that they list a bunch of bullshit about what they do to keep their business sounding legit, but there’s no actual information on what specific projects they’re doing.”

“So, we could be dealing with anything.”


“Thanks, Rae. Let me know if you come up with anything else.”

I hung up and headed into the hallway, meeting up with Red along the way.

“So, you’re having me interrogate a woman.”


“How far do you want me to go?”

I hesitated for a minute, not sure what to tell him. That part of me that remembered how scared she was at the gym told me not to push too hard, but the investigator in me said that I needed to have him push because we needed every last detail.

“Do whatever your gut tells you.”

He nodded and opened the door to the interrogation room as I walked past into the room beside it. Fox was already in there waiting for me with a bucket of popcorn, his chair tilted back as his foot rested on the ledge in front of him.


“What? I think this is going to be very interesting.”

Sighing, I sat down beside him and dug my hand into the bucket. “I think you’re going to be disappointed.” I tossed the popcorn in my mouth as I watched Red take a seat across from Beth.

“Beth, my name is Red. I need to ask you a few questions.”

“He’s going for the sympathetic route,” I commented.

“See? He doesn’t think she’s guilty either,” Fox said proudly.

“Or he’s trying to gain her trust.”

“I know Cash has already been in here to ask you a few questions, but there are some things we need to clarify before we let you go.”

“See? Sympathetic,” I grinned.

“Nah, he’s just signaling to you that he’s not holding her.”

I rolled my eyes and continued to watch.

“This man,” Red pointed to the picture. “Can you tell me anything about him?”

She pulled at her shirt, clearly uncomfortable. “Like I told Cash, I don’t know anything. We were stuck in the same building at the same time.”

“In the elevator,” Red nodded.


“And you said you climbed out through the top of the elevator.”

“That’s right. That man helped me out because my shoulder was hurt.”