“I lied,” I said smoothly. “Just as I’m guessing you are.”
“What…what are you talking about?” she shook her head in confusion.
“I’m talking about the fact that you’re hiding information, things that I need to know, and I’m going to find out what that is.”
“I don’t have time for lies, Beth. You either know exactly what you’re doing, or you’ve gotten yourself wrapped up in something that could get you killed. Either way, I don’t give a shit. I need information, and you’re going to give it to me.”
My sat phone rang and I pulled it out, glancing at Beth quickly. “I’ll just be a moment.” Turning away from her, I took the call.
“Boss, your girl is a ghost.”
“Really? Why does that not surprise me?” I asked, looking back at Beth, who looked absolutely terrified.
“I’ve run her name and even talked to the research facility. She gave the name Beth Williams, but there’s not a single hit on her name. I’ve checked all the databases, online and all social media. She doesn’t have a presence on any of them. And there are a ton of Beth Williams out there, but none that match her age or profile in any way. If Beth Williams is really her name, she’s going to great lengths to keep it a secret. You need to find out why.”
“I intend to,” I said, just before hanging up.
I walked over to the table and pulled out a chair, sitting down as I motioned for her to do the same. She hesitantly took a seat, shifting uncomfortably beside me. “So, Beth…can I call you that?”
“What else would you call me?” she retorted, her gaze flicking around uncomfortably.
I leaned back in my chair, taking a casual approach to the interview for the moment. We’d get to her involvement in a minute. For now, I wanted to know who I was dealing with.
“I just got a call from Rae. You remember her, right? She was the one that worked with you at the gym.”
She gave a stiff nod.
“She says that Beth Williams doesn’t exist.”
“How did you—” She said quickly, cutting herself off before she said too much.
“How did I get your name? Rae got it from your previous employer. It’s strange that you gave him the same excuse you gave me, that you lost your ID and you were in the process of getting it. It’s strange how that worked out for you.”
“I don’t understand why you’re asking me these things. I don’t know anything!”
I nodded, then grabbed the folder I’d asked Dash to leave on the desk before I went in search of Beth. Opening it up, I spun it around to show the photos of her leaving the research facility with five hulking men.
“Do you recognize these men?”
Her face paled, but she quickly averted her eyes. Her breathing sped up and her hand rubbed at her wounded shoulder. She was definitely nervous.
“Look a little closer at them.”
I spread the photos out, all of them zoomed in on the faces of the men she walked out of the building with, and one that was farther away, but still clearly her.
“See, in this one, you seem pretty close with this man. What was his name?”
Her eyes flicked back to his face, but she refused to say anything. But she studied the photo, her eyes taking in every last detail. Something about this man was the key to everything that was happening.
“I don’t know who they are,” she finally said.
“Really? You’re walking out of the building with them.”
“I walk out of a lot of buildings at the same time as other people.”
“Yes, but this man has his hand on the small of your back. I don’t know many strangers that touch so intimately. Who is he?” I asked, tapping his face with my finger.