“Yeah? Whose side are you on now?”

I could see the smirk on his face beneath the mask. “Let’s just say it’s need to know.”

“And I don’t fucking need to know,” I finished for him.

“Boss, what the fuck is going on?” Rock asked.

I clicked on the mic to speak to my team. “Hold your positions.”

“I just fucking told you, this doesn’t concern you,” the asshole said.

“And you think I’m going to hand over a national security threat without seeing some fucking identification?”

With his gun still pointed at me, he slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his badge. I took it from him, squinting in the dark to try and read it, but it was nearly impossible. I pulled out my phone and flipped on the flashlight, snorting when I saw the badge. “Special Division?” I flicked the badge back to him. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”

“I could give you a number to call in, but then you’re basically fucked for interfering in a government operation.”

“You wouldn’t even have him right now if it weren’t for my team.”

“And who do you think is going to be held responsible when my boss finds out you allowed a plane to deploy a graphite bomb over a fucking electrical substation?”

Chills raced down my spine as I finally understood just how fucking serious this was. I imagined it was a terrorist threat, but a graphite bomb unleashed over a substation would have catastrophic effects.

I yanked Grady closer, shaking my head at this asshole. “He stays with me. Until I see some fucking paperwork, I’m not releasing him to anyone. He’s a fucking terrorist and I’m not risking him getting away.”

I could tell the man wasn’t happy about my decision, but he could fuck off. Either that, or he’d have to physically remove him from my custody, which neither of us had the time for at this moment.

“You and I need to work together if we’re going to figure out the bigger picture.”

“Fine,” he bit out. “You have an office?”

“You fucking know I do,” I shot back.

“Boss? Scottie Dog just landed the fucking plane.”

“On my way.” I dragged Grady behind me, well aware of the looming presence at my back. “Don’t fucking shoot anyone else,” I told my team. “We’ve got alphabets with us.”

“Alphabets?” Grady asked.

I sneered at him. “Government agencies,” I said, not bothering to explain further. Lock walked up to me, eyeing the company at my back. I shoved Grady to him. “Lock him up. Nobody goes near him.”

“Got it, boss.”

“I’ll accompany him,” the asshole remarked. “After all, if we’re going to work together, I need full access.”

“Who is this guy?” Lock asked.

I clenched my jaw, refusing to give away that knowledge. It was for everyone’s benefit. “Just another government asshole.”

I strode away from them, then started running for the plane. Edu and Rock had already limped their way over there. I watched as Scottie stumbled out of the plane, gripping it for support. I ran up to him, catching him just as he was about to collapse.

“What happened? Are you hit?”

He shook his head. “Just nauseous as hell.”

I instantly released him, letting him drop to the ground. Rock leaned his head inside and grimaced. “Holy mother of God, what is that smell?”

“I had to make some tactical maneuvers up there to save my ass. Guns are a no-no.”