“Eva,” she murmured.

I studied her face, smiling slightly. She looked like an Eva. “It suits you. What’s your last name?”

She smiled at me. “Are you going to call Dash and tell him?”

“You know I am,” I grinned.


“Why did you tell me?”

Her fingers slid up into my hair as she stared into my eyes. “Because I trust you. You’ll keep me safe.”

“With my life,” I vowed.

I wanted to stay in bed with her all day, even if we were hiding out in this motel. I wanted to know all about her, and not just because of how it affected what was going on with Hayes, but because things were different between us. I’d never felt this need to protect a woman like I did with Eva. I’d never wanted something more. Marriage and kids were something for the distant future. It wasn’t like I was planning our future or anything, but the more time I spent with her, I at least wanted the chance with her. Maybe things wouldn’t last. Maybe we’d realize we were totally wrong for each other. But kissing her now was like a wakeup call, that these things come when you least expect it.

“We should get on the road. We’re only a few hours from your aunt’s house.”

“Cash,” she stopped me before I could get up. “When she got that message from me, she ran. She saw the pictures and the video, and she knew she was in trouble. Just…take it easy on her.”

“Of course,” I answered immediately. “Eva, I’m not going to go storming in there demanding answers.”

“But I know you want to. I still have a lot to tell you.”

“Eva, we have so much shit on our plate right now. I’m going to be honest with you, it’ll be easier to take care of you and your aunt if I have all the facts. I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know everything.”

“I understand.”

“Let’s go eat. I have a feeling there’ll be a lot more to deal with once we reach Kansas.”

“Like what?” she asked in confusion.

“Like Dash spilling the beans on more than he should.” I sat up, tossing away the sheet.

“Can I borrow your phone?”

“For what?”

“I want to let my aunt know we’ll be arriving soon.”

“Sure, just don’t stay on too long. I’ll clean up while you get ahold of her.”

She gave me a shy smile, taking the phone from me. “Thank you.”

I kneeled on the bed, leaning forward as I pressed my lips to hers. “Anytime.”



“What doyou think Hayes is hiding?” I asked as we crossed the state line into Kansas.

“I’m not sure. He owns a research facility. It could be damn near anything.”

“But why is everyone so concerned about the power outage? They happen all the time.”

“Not on this scale. Nobody’s really come out and admitted anything yet, but the entire power grid for the west coast is down.”