“Just keep searching.”
The footage ran until the power outage and the feed cut off, but popped up again five minutes later.
“Wait, stop there,” I snapped, pointing at the people walking out of the building. “Can you zoom in or something?”
“The faces will most likely be distorted, but let’s see if we get any hits.”
He rewound the video and zoomed in as best he could. What I saw stopped me in my tracks. It wasn’t the five men walking out of the building, looking very much like they didn’t belong. It was the woman’s face. I’d recognize her anywhere.
“What is it, boss?”
“I know her. She came into the gym just a few days ago.” In that moment, I hated myself. I was sucked in with her sad demeanor, thinking she was a victim, but all along, she was hiding a very different kind of secret.
“Did you get a name?”
“Beth. That’s all I have.”
“Not really a lot to go on.”
“I don’t need any more than that. I know where she lives,” I said, just before I ran out the door. With my sat phone still in hand, I called Rae back.
“Geez, boss. It’s been like fifteen minutes. Give me a little more time.”
“I need something else. The woman you brought home the other night, Beth…”
“Yeah, what about her?”
I rushed over to my truck and yanked the door open before sliding inside. “She was on the video feed outside the research facility.”
“Whoa, you think she was involved in this?”
“What are the chances she’s not?”
“Uh, pretty good. Boss, she was terrified.”
“Maybe of who she worked for. I need anything you can find on her.”
“I only have her first name.”
“But you know where she lives.”
She sighed heavily over the phone. “I’m guessing you’re on the way to her now?”
“She’s involved in this. I know it.”
“Remember how scared she was. She may not be a willing participant in what’s going on.”
“If not, then she’s involved in something that could get her killed.”
“I’ll find out what I can. Just take it easy on her. Remember, women like men who don’t yell at them.”
“I know how to talk to women,” I scoffed.
“When was the last time you had a date?” she asked, amusement lacing her voice.
“I…It was…”
“Yeah, that’s what I figured. Be nice and try not to scare her. Maybe try being her friend.”