I barked out a laugh. “He left your ass and came to me.”

“But his girlfriend lives by us.”

“Then she can move out here,” I challenged.

“Not gonna happen. You’ve seen her.”

I had, and I wasn’t giving up that easily. Sinner was a good employee, and I wasn’t giving up. “I have, and I know that she’ll do anything to be with him, including moving out to sunny California.”

“But her family lives by me. Hell, Sinner’s teammates, the same men he fought with in the military, are with me.”

I grinned at him, seeing an opportunity opening up. “And I’ll gladly take a few good extra men.”

“Seeing as one of them is in a wheelchair and can’t fucking walk, I’m guessing he’s not going anywhere. Not that I would let you have him anyway.”

“Oh, you’re not going toletme have him. I see how it is.”

He pulled out his phone and held it out to me. “You’re welcome to ask him yourself, but he’s pretty fucking grumpy right now, you know, with the loss of his legs.”

“He didn’t lose his legs. He just needs to get them working again. I’ll gladly hire him a physical therapist and get him moving again.”

Sebastian sighed, shoving his phone in his pocket. “Look, what’s it going to take for you to release Sinner from his contract?”

“Well, first, he has to tell me he’s leaving.”

“And second?”

I shook my head. “There’s not a damn thing I want from you.”

He tensed for a moment, then blew out a breath, staring at the ground. Whatever this was, it was personal, and I wasn’t budging without a good reason.

“He’s good friends with my—with Freckles.”

“And who is Freckles?”

“She’s my girlfriend…woman. Or she was. Freckles and Sinner have this connection that I don’t fucking understand.”

I grinned at him, finally understanding. “So, you fired Sinner because he was getting a little too friendly with your woman.”

I could tell this was a sore subject for him, and even harder for him to admit the truth, so I waited.

“They’re just friends, but it’s different with them, so easy. I said some shit to Sinner, knowing it would set him off. He took a swing at me and I fired him. I told myself I was trying to protect Cara, but…” He shrugged, not looking at me. “It’s my fault Cara broke things off with him. He was trying to protect her. And now, I’ll never keep Freckles if he doesn’t come home. So, I’m asking you as a personal favor to let Sinner out of his contract.”

“Well, fuck,” I sighed. “You had to go and make this personal.”

“Is it working?” he smirked.

I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t deny that his story hit me in the gut. He was trying to fix things, and if I held Sinner to his contract, this poor schlub would lose the woman he loved. It shouldn’t matter, but I found myself liking Sebastian.

“If I let him go, you’ll owe me big time.”

He held out his hand. “I have no doubt you’ll make me regret ever bringing Sinner home.”

“And then some.”