Page 67 of The Inevitable Us

Ethan is at the edge, watching as I carry Rosalie back. I want to hold Rosalie, check her, and reassure myself she’s warming up and not injured. Instead, I hand Rosalie over to her father.

Tessa runs over with a blanket, wrapping it around her.

We’ve only just arrived and barely unpacked, so while Ethan, Tessa, and Brody run Rosalie to the emergency room just in case, I help Rory, Josie, and Nate pack up.

Ethan had told me to head back to Nashville as soon as we repacked, so I drive back with the three other Colemans.

“Is Rosalie ok?” Rory asks from the back of the car. His eyes are red, and I heard him crying while packing the tent.

“Your dad said that she’s fine. They’re just checking her out, making sure nothing is broken and such,” I say, trying to reassure him.

“I should have been with her,” he sniffles.

I stay at the house until Ethan and Tessa return with Rosalie the following day. “Come into my office, please,” Ethan commands me.

We walk in, and he quietly shuts the door behind us and gestures for me to sit. He takes his own seat and clicks a pen in his right hand nervously a few times.

“We didn’t even see her go in,” he says softly. “How did you know?”

“I was watching, sir. The flip-flops by the water’s edge? It made me nervous.” It made my heart palpitate in my chest, but he didn’t need to know that.

He shakes his head, understanding. “Thompson is retiring next month. I’d already promised the promotion to Creekman last week.”

My body freezes. Passed over. It’s a shock. I’ve acted as the head of security while we’re slowly phasing out Thompson.

“But I’m giving you a ten percent raise, which is just below what Creekman will be earning, and giving you an extra two weeks off a year.”

I clear my throat and shift nervously. “Thank you, sir, that’s very generous.”

He walks me out of his office, and when he opens the door, Rosalie is standing outside waiting, biting her lip.

“Hi, Sawyer,” she starts. “I’m sorry if you had to ruin your tennis shoes and drive home wet.”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small smooth stone. “I found this for you when I was at the river. Thank you.” She leans in and hugs me, her head hitting my waist.

I put one hand on her back. “I had a change of clothes, Little Miss. I didn’t drive home wet.”

She smiles at me. “I got all the popsicles I wanted in the hospital! And on the drive home, Mom and Dad let me stop at Dairy Queen….”

Ethan clears his throat. “Rosalie, baby, don’t you think Sawyer needs to return to work? Why don’t you go play for a while.”

I nod in understanding and turn to go back to the garage. “Thank you again.”

Chapter thirty-five


“Rosalie,youhaveavisitor,” Jay tells me as he walks into the rabbit hutch. “He says he’s your brother.”

What on Earth? It has to be Rory. Nate’s at the tail end of the regular college football season (and exams) all the way in Tuscaloosa.

“Just knock off early,” Jay tells me as I put down the bucket. “It looks like you’re just about done anyway. I’ll finish feeding the goats.”

I can hear heavy boots on the pavement walking towards me once I make my way to the main path.

“Rory!” I yell excitedly as I make my way up to him and throw my arms around his neck. He returns my hug with one of his own. “It’s good to see you! Why are you here?”

He gestures towards a large man with dark hair I’d not noticed before. “I’m in town for work. Boss man let me come at the last minute.”