I kiss her deeply, keeping my dick inside her pussy to keep my cum from leaking out. I want it all inside of her, marking her as mine.Hoping it takes root somehow.
Lying on top of her, I support my weight with my arms, and twirl a lock of her hair in my fingers. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” she finally says and relief washes over me.
And just like that, Rosalie Coleman is mine, forever.
Was there ever any doubt?
Myfoottappinganxiously,I watch as my SUV pulls up in the driveway. It’s raining so I made her take my vehicle since it has better traction.
Rolling up another strand of twinkle lights from the mantle, I breathe in and out, telling myself there was no reason to hope, the statistics were very low. But I did hope. Fuck did I hope. I’ve busied myself all morning while I wait, taking down the Christmas decorations as Rosalie asked, carefully packing the new decorations she’d bought just a few weeks before into new plastic containers to reuse year after year.
This morning, Rosalie had confessed—she’d missed her birth control shot while we were in Nashville dealing with everything with Keaton, and had forgotten to reschedule. She said she’d completely forgotten about it when we got back to Knoxville. I had not.
She was on her way to the doctor this afternoon after her classes and would have a new shot when she got back, and that it would work right away.
I didn’t tell her that I already knew her shot was weeks overdue and that I’ve been deliberately fucking her into oblivion since I figured it out. I want to start our family soon; to watch Rosalie’s belly grow with my child, to hold our little one and ponder over who it looks like.
When she walks through the door she’s ghostly pale, and comes straight up to me. This is good…right? “Hi,” she says as she gets on her tippy toes to kiss me.
“Hey Baby Girl, what did the doctor say?”
“That it’s not a good idea to skip your shot. Oh and that I’m going to have a baby. Well, we are going to have a baby.”
My heart dances at a fast tempo and I suck in a small breath of air. There’s no way I got this lucky, right? Dropping the Christmas lights, I wrap her excitedly in my arms and I tell her, “This is the best late Christmas gift. We’re going to have a baby!” Suddenly I remember our little butter bean and loosen my grip on her.
She looks up at me, her chest still pressed against mine. “They’re going to do an ultrasound on Friday to determine how far along I am, if you want to come,” she says nervously, fidgeting.
If I want to come? “When? I’ll clear my schedule. I have a couple of meetings but they’ll have to wait. Just let me know when you have appointments and stuff and I’ll schedule around them.”
“It’s ok, you don’t have to come to all the appointments. Just thought you might want to come to this one.”
“I’m coming to them all,” I tell her matter-of-factly.
Her shoulders slump with relief and lets out a huge breath. “You’re happy?”
“I’m ecstatic,” I answer back, kissing the top of her head softly. “I couldn’t be happier. Capturing her lips, I start walking her backwards to the couch. “What are you doing?” she squeals
“Fucking the mother of my child,” I inform her.
“Now?” she laughs.
“Oh, definitely now,” I answer back, my hands going to her ass. She falls backwards onto the couch and I move her legs sideways and lay on top of her. “This is the best news you could have told me today.”
“You really think so?” she says again, so uncertain.
“I really think so Rosalie.” I say again. “I really do.”
Four years later
“Areyoureadyforme, Baby Girl?” Sawyer asks right before he tests my wetness. He pulls me up onto my hands and knees before lining up his cock. Grabbing my hips for leverage, he pushes into me from behind with one quick powerful push.
I love how deep he goes in this position. “Please Sawyer, harder,” I beg. He’s torturing me with tantilizingly slow thrusts.
“Say yes first,” he demands with a swivel of his hips. Asshole.
Supporting himself on his knees, one of his hands goes to my breast, cupping it. “You know you want it, too,” he reminds me before he kisses my back.