Page 37 of The Inevitable Us

“It stings a little.” Her body is tense when she confesses with a brow furrowed from discomfort.

“Give it a moment. Relax.” I kiss her sweetly, claiming her lips, and her body begins to loosen. I move back an inch, then another, before thrusting forward again. I spread her legs wider, hoping to ease her discomfort, and begin moving inside of her wet heat.Mine. She’s finally fucking mine.Her hands move to my hair, running her fingers through it before gripping it as she moans her pleasure. When my balls tighten, I thrust forward as deeply as possible, coating her cervix with my cum.

I should move out of her, relieving her of the discomfort of my girth. But I don’t want to leave her yet, not ready to lose the intimacy of being inside of Rosalie. Instead, I stay inside of her, giving her gentle kisses. Minutes of sweet kisses and gentle caresses pass before I move away from her and onto my side. “Don’t move,” I tell her. “I’ll get a cloth.”

I go downstairs to the bathroom and dampen a washrag. I clean my own blood and cum covered dick, looking at the evidence of Rosalie’s virginity with satisfaction. Grabbing a fresh cloth, I warm the water as much as possible and wring it out. After grabbing two pain pills and a water bottle, I go back upstairs to her.

She’s still lying, her legs spread. There’s tiny dots of blood on her thighs, her pussy glistening with our cum. I gently clean her, then kiss the inside of her thighs. I brush her hair from her face and kiss her lips. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, just wasn’t expecting it quite now,” she puffs out.Yeah, me too. I was going to give you one more day.

I hand her the pills and the bottle of water. When she tries to sit up, I press her back onto the bed. “Rest with me for a little bit? My Baby Girl wore me out.”

“The kittens…” she starts to say.

“I put them in the bathroom earlier. Before I came upstairs.” They’d followed behind me when I went to get the rag, and I’d just had to shut the door behind me.

I pull the scrap of satin over her head. “Lay back down, Rosalie. I need a nap with my woman.” I sleep curled up with her, her skin warm between us, luxuriating in the realization that Rosalie Coleman is finally mine.

I’mstarving.Ihadn’teaten since lunchtime and had missed supper. I’d had one beer and drank water for the rest of the night, not wanting to come to Rosalie smelling like a distillery. I should have texted. I should have just walked out. Looking at Rosalie on the bed, her hair draped over the pillow, I think it all worked out well in the end. I lean down to kiss her just because I can. “Come with me to eat?”

She scowled at me and moved off the bed to find clothing. “I shouldn’t after you stood me up. Where were you?”

Fuck. “I was in the middle of negotiations with a client. A big contract. I’m sorry. Time just slipped by so quickly. I didn’t want to leave the negotiating table….”

The contract was too much money to walk away from now that I have Rosalie. I’d sat at the table in the pub, mentally tallying each of the added monthly expenses. I have a downpayment saved, but we’ll need to buy a home soon.

Plus, I’m pretty sure we both want a family. That’s college tuition, diapers, and first cars.

“I’m sorry, Rosalie,” I tell her. “I wish I’d handled it differently.”

“Next time, I’m not letting you in,” she says with narrowed eyes.

“Feed me?” I ask.

“You’re a piece of work, you know that?” she laughs.

Ambling down the stairs, now dressed, we rummage through the fridge to get the plastic containers of red sauce and meatballs. Shereallydidn’t make any pasta for me. After heating the food, I cut open the leftover rolls and make meatball sliders with mozzarella cheese, and bring the plates back to Rosalie to share with her at the table.

“I’m starving,” she says enthusiastically from the kitchen table.

My eyes flick to her. “Sex is a bit of a workout, and you’re not used to it yet.”

She looks at me curiously and sits back in her chair. “If you wanted me, why? Why didn’t you sleep with me that night?”

“I couldn’t have, Rosalie.” I rub my tired eyes and take a steadying breath. “I wanted to fuck you in that teddy the moment you dropped your robe. But there’s zero privacy at your parents’ house, and I think we need it while we get to know one another like this.”

Like equals. Like lovers. Like…not my boss’s daughter.

She looks down at her now empty plate. “I have tiramisu in the fridge,” she offers and tries to get up. I see her wince a little as she moves.

There’s no bathtub to run water for a soothing bath to ease her discomfort. Instead, I start to get up from the table and comfort her the way I think best. “Sit down. I’ll get it. Then, it’s back to bed for us. Want the kittens to sleep with us tonight?” Sleeping with them is not my favorite thing, and it’s going to be interesting when Ranger is added into the mix, but if it brings her comfort…

After we finish our desserts, I grab the kittens in one hand, flipping off the lights as I go, make sure the door is locked, and go to bed with Rosalie.

Chapter twenty
