Page 94 of Reckless

“That could be the end of my dad’s relationship with Hector and Luis.”

“If Hector and Luis stop speaking to your dad because you told your mother to stop calling you a whore and me your sugar daddy, why would you want them in your life anyway? What do they bring to you that you’d continue being silent in the face of this abuse? Why is it your responsibility to stop protecting yourself so she can continue hurting you? To what end? Keep your brothers comfortable? I will not sit by while you make another choice that puts your own wellbeing behind the wellbeing of people who never think of you anyway. And, since I’m all worked up now, your brothers act like the way your mom treats you and your strained relationship as a result is none of their business. And they expect you to accept that as a reasonable excuse. But you can’t expect the same in return? You can’t set boundaries with Gloria because they’ll have a tantrum and be mad at…your dad? Who they barely acknowledge anyway. What kind of love is that?”

She stood, tossing aside her hat so she could pull her dress up and over her head. Leaving him utterly mesmerized by the black bikini emblazoned with cherries. Decidedly vintage in feel with bottoms that came to her belly button while the top kept everything covered while framing what wasn’t.

“Are we swimming?” he asked.

“I need to be in the ocean for a few minutes,” she said.

He dropped his hat, ditched his shirt, and followed her to the water. It was all he could do to watch as she got far enough to dunk herself, coming back up with her hair plastered to her head. She met him in waist deep water, droplets clinging to her skin like diamonds.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I love every part of you. Your vulnerability fills me with awe but also fear that someone will use it to hurt you. I know you love your family. And it doesn’t matter if I think they deserve that love or not. You are a person full of love. It’s one of the many reasons I find you gorgeous. But it also awakens every single one of my protective instincts.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist, and they stood as the ocean swirled all around their legs, a solid unit in the midst of leashed chaos. The white noise of the surf wrapped around them both like an embrace.

“Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought,” he sang to her.

“Maybe I just wanna be yours. I just wanna be yours, wanna be yours,” she sang the Arctic Monkeys lyric back.

“You are, you know that, right?” He kissed her, tasting salt.

“Yeah. Same goes.”

He grinned at her. “Thank god for it. I’d get into so much more mischief if I wasn’t yours. Now all my mischief is carnal.”

She laughed and the sound filled him with joy. “And getting up in my business.”

He nodded, solemn for a moment. “Yes. I can apologize, but we both know I’ll do it again. Not because I don’t think you can handle yourself. I know you can. But because damn it, Harlow, I can’t watch you suffer. Not without pitching in at your side.”

She hugged him and kissed his neck before diving back under the water and popping up again. “You’re a water baby, huh?” he teased.

“I love the beach and the pool. Beach is too cold in Washington, but it’s only a two hour flight to get here. Hotel pools are fine depending on the hotel. I’ve been able to swim regularly during this tour. But this is so much better.” She threw her hands out to her sides and tipped her face up to the sun.

His parents had an indoor pool. He’d lure her over for a swim as often as he could because he loved this Harlow. Carefree and splashing, even after the difficult conversation she’d had that day.

After another half an hour or so, they headed back to the shore.

Though it was a hot day, the water had been refreshing enough that it felt really good to lay next to her on the blanket and let the sunshine dry them off.

Miles sat and after a quick rummage through the tote, he found the sunscreen and began to rub it all over her skin. The big sunglasses were back, but her mouth had quirked up into an amused smile when he took extra care to get her cleavage and thighs covered.

Then she answered the question that’d been asked before she’d headed into the water. “I tried to convince myself that if I ignore this she’ll go away. And she might. For a time. But she’ll come back. Always. But I’m so afraid I’ll fuck things up with my dad and brothers.”

Miles reapplied his sunscreen as well and laid back down next to her, seeking her hand and trying to hold his tongue.

“But you’re right. And my dad is right. If we don’t push back now, she’ll just take that as a sign that she can do more. She’s got some respect for authority, so I think the only way to get her to stop, or even consider stopping, is to use an attorney to say so. They can threaten to expose her with the same information she’s using in violation of the agreement. But make it sound fancy. And legal. And it won’t be personal so her most effective weapon is useless against them.”

Relief coursed through him. He’d called his attorney while she’d been in the shower the day before, just to see, obviously via hypotheticals, what were some options and he’d liked several things he’d heard. Obviously he’d need to tell her about the call. Maybe just fold it into the convo somewhere she wouldn’t notice too much.

“Agreed. Would you consider using my attorney? Or not her, someone else at her firm who deals with this type of stuff. They’re very good and have a great reputation.” He’d done some research on that too. But she didn’t need to know that part. “I gave a head’s up that you might be contacting them. I do think it needs to be as soon as possible since that video has been up weeks at this point.” There. He’d told her about the call.

“Yes. Maybe. Let me think on it for a little while. Not days, so get that look off your face. I’m trying to process and don’t think I missed that part about thehead’s upto an attorney on my behalf.”

He hated that she had to, even as he understood the need. So he’d do his best to help and not make things worse, no matter how much he wanted to step in and handle things. “Okay. I get it. So while that’s processing, can we talk about how Gloria makes you feel like your success isn’t yours even though she barely knows you and is a terrible judge of character in any case?”

Her look radiated surprise and a little hurt. He was sorry for the second, but he’d needed the first or she’d have had time to erect excuses between them, so she didn’t have to face what had happened.

She was the bravest person he knew, but if she had the choice between dealing with her own shit or someone else’s, she’d choose the latter. And the longer he knew her, the more he understood that.