“You could have just ended that sentence. Left it as,I should have told you. As for how it got brought up, by a total stranger?It was a massively stupid miscalculation.” She caught his blanch, but it had to be said. “I understand he’s your uncle and he cares about you. I even like that about him. But it was a lunch with your entire family, only the second time I met them all. What they must think between that article and that situation with Ben.” She tried not to wring her hands at the anxiety that brought.
He shook his head. “Obviously he’ll tell Erin but that’s because they’re married, and she’ll see his upset and demand to know why. But he’s not mad or upset at you at all. He’s pissed at himself for how he handled everything. And at me for not being more up front with you.”
Harlow stared at him, torn between feeling bad that Ben was upset and being angry that she was feeling that way because he’d brought it up the way he had to start with.
“He’d very much like it if he could continue the investigation,” Miles said. “He won’t say anything to me. You’d be the one to share whatever you felt I needed to know.”
“He said stuff designed to make me feel better and stronger. And most of it did. I’ve been wrestling with whether or not to continue with him.” Harlow shook her head. She wasn’t going to tell him just yet that she’d already spoken to Ben, and they’d laid out a very clear set of boundaries and he would continue his work. For Harlow
“He’s the best at what he does. And just because he told me the stuff at the start doesn’t mean he won’t keep his word going forward.”
Harlow just stared at him, stunned that he continued down this path without even a basic gesture toward what she’d just told him.
“Let’s pretend you didn’t just make a point against me hiring Ben. Because you did. If I had an investigator I hired and I paid, you wouldn’t be involved. You wouldn’t be arguing that I continue to keep someone providing a service in a way I do not like. You’d poke your nose in because that’s how you are. But if I’d said I wasn’t satisfied with someone’s services, you’d accept that as my choice to make. But here you are,arguingwith me about it and only because he’s your uncle.”
“But we laid ground rules now.”
Never had she wanted to hit someone in the face with a pillow more than she did right then. “Youdiscussed my case like it was yours.Yougave him personal details.Youpaid a retainer. Neither of you thought it was important to include me at the start. He was defensive onyourbehalf. As your uncle, that’s great and I love it. As a person supposed to be working for me?That’sa problem.”
“I have the money! Why does it bother you so much that I want to help you? Someone should be protecting you, and since no one else has, I sure as fuck will. You meaneverythingto me. In the time we’ve been together I’ve watched her attack you a dozen times. It wrecks me to see it, so I know it’s a thousand times worse to feel it. I was told I was reckless for pursuing you during this tour. And then Maddie said something that made total sense to me. She said that when I was with Sophie, I was out of control but with you I was reckless. And I am, because I will do everything I can to take care of you and shield you from pain you don’t deserve. Even if you get mad. And I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
The emotion in his voice had her taking his hand a moment. There was plenty of reckless on both sides. She’d broken a dozen of her own rules for him as well.
“It’s incredible to me that you’re so protective. That you care about me so much you’d start a relationship in the middle of a tour. That you want to be seen in public with me. That you’d brave my wrath because you do what you do to keep me from being hurt. I accept your bossiness and the way you do whatever you want most of the time. You can’t own what Gloria does to me. All the money in the world can’t fix that.”
He sighed, squeezing the hand she still held. “This would be easier if you’d be less rational and just admit I’m right about everything.”
She snorted.
“I need you to understand that if you don’t respect my boundaries it will kill us. Not your over protective bullshit, not your bossiness or the fact that you’re spoiled. But when I tell you something is important to me and you don’t listen and argue with me when I call you out, it breaks something in my heart. I love you, but I’m not going to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t see me as a fully formed person who makes her own decisions. I respect your choices and I need you to do the same.”
She held a hand up to keep him from speaking. She wasn’t done.
“Here’s what’s happening. Ben and I have spoken in detail about this issue. He will continue on as my investigator. I considered asking Jeremy for names of people for me to hire, but Nora made some good points about why I should stick with Ben, and I agreed with them. I’ll share the information I get back. I’m not trying to keep you out of my life, Miles. I want you at my side, not driving while I sit in the back seat.”
Miles took a deep breath, but she saw his smile of relief that she was keeping Ben. “This is our first big fight,” he said, and that smile turned down into a frown. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t like it either. But we can make it through if we’re honest with each other. And we listen when the other says something is important to them. You’re used to everyone going along with whatever you say. You’re a leader. Super sexy. Great when it comes to fucking. Not always easy to handle when you’re with a person who is never going to let you run their life, even if it’s the best, safest way ever. You don’t like being told no and I rather like saying it.”
“I don’t want to break this thing, or any part of you. I just want you to be surrounded by love and support. I promise to do my best to listen and respect your boundaries. Again, I’m sorry. Ben is sorry. It was a mess and one that could have been avoided if I’d listened to you better. I’m relieved you gave him another chance. He really is awesome at this stuff. You’ll share what you find? Promise?”
They’d make it. She wasn’t stupid enough to think that would stop him from getting up in her business, but if he listened and paid attention, they’d be okay.
“Yes. Unless you turn into a control freak and ignore my very well defined boundaries. Then we might have to renegotiate.”
He held out a pinky and she clasped it with hers.
“I will do my best to not take over. Even when I might have a better plan and do it a certain way because that’s best.”
She smirked a moment. “Oh, okay, well good talk.”
“And I’m sorry I was high handed.” He laughed. “I love you. I’m sorry the first time I told you was over the phone.” He snickered and she flipped him off.
“Remember what I said. Oh. And I love you too. Sucker punched me yesterday. Nora knew before I did.”
Miles laughed. Only Harlow could describe falling in love as being punched.
“Yesterday? And you still love me after all this?” he teased. Sort of.