She blinked at him, speechless. Finally, she took a deep breath. And grinned. “What did she say back?”
Relieved by that response, he laughed, hugging her to him for long moments.
“She asked who did I think I was. And I said I was the guy who’d do it. I also told Luis the same.”
Her eyes went wide. “Miles!”
“What? Fuck him. Fuck Hector too. Weak ass. I’d go to war over someone treating my sister that way and they helped her hurt you. They’re lucky I’m not calling my attorney right now to figure out how to ruin her.” Though she didn’t need to know he actuallyhadcalled an attorney to give a heads up that they might be needed.
“Hector is trying. Not as much as he should, god knows. But he warned me about Gloria this most recent time. Luis is a jerk, but he’s got kids. They don’t deserve that,” Harlow said.
“You’re right. Kids don’t deserve that. Like you didn’t. So, moving on. Next time our tours are near one another is in San Diego. I think this is a face-to-face thing, but that’s up to you.”
“Oh, is it? Is that up to me? Nothing else is up to me but that is?”
Okay, so she was still pissed at him.
“At the very least, spend a few hours with him, Jenna, and Ryder. After you two talk privately, that is. That’ll be good for you all.”
“You’re very bossy. I don’t like my wishes being ignored like I’m not a whole ass adult capable of making her own choices.”
He took a deep breath, wanting to choose his words carefully. This wasn’t about winning an argument; this was a thing between the two of them they had to work on or it would destroy them.
“I know you’re an adult capable of making her own choices. I didn’t tell him anything more than what I said to Gloria when you were out of the room. I’m doing the best I can to find a way between respecting those choices and keeping you safe. So yes, I’m bossy. I know what needs doing. And I’ll do it when it comes to protecting what’s mine. Not because you’re less, but because you’re everything.”
“What’s mine?” she said, her eyebrows high.
“You arguing that point?” he asked, daring her to deny it.
She harrumphed but didn’t. Didn’t argue with his reasoning either. He needed to let that be enough or they’d re-ignite their argument and he really just wanted to snuggle her.
Miles saw the caller when he checked his phone and smiled as he answered, “Hey there. Everything okay?” he asked his aunt Erin.
“Blue! Miss your face. I wanted to check in to see how you were. I’ve been keeping up with all the tour news. Your dad is ridiculously proud of you so he’s pretending not to spy on you, but I’ll own it.” Her laugh was like a hug.
“Spying huh? Find out anything good?”
“Your dumbass ex, whatserface wrote some words. I read them.”
Embarrassment flashed through him yet again. “I’m so sorry.”
“Fuck that. You aren’t responsible and let’s be real, she didn’t make any of it up. Xander is a grown up now, so it’s not like we make any effort to pretend we are anything but what we are. Todd, Ben, and I have been together for a minute or two and it’s no secret. How are you? And how is Harlow?”
After their lovely four days in Montreal were over, they were back to it. They’d hit Montreal, Ottawa—including that fight and amazing make up sex—and Toronto before they dipped back into the US to play Minneapolis and then had come back to Canada to hit Calgary, Winnipeg, and Edmonton. That night they’d play the last of two shows in Vancouver before they went back to the States.
Canada had been a pleasant set of shows. Great fans. Great venues. Privacy was nice too. And best of all, Gloria was in a whole different country, and he knew—though Harlow didn’t say it—that was a comfort to his best girl.
“She’s…” Miles paused because he wanted to think about how Harlow would feel about whatever he told his aunt. Harlow would trust him, and he strived to keep being worthy of that. “It made a whole mess with her biological mother.” Miles gave a brief recap ofthatsituation.
“Harlow isn’t mad at you though, right?”
“I wondered if she would be, but no. She said it had nothing to do with me, or with us. She’s not upset really about the rest of the interview.”
“Well, Sophia douchenozzle did say some nice stuff about Above Me. I hope that sells some albums for them after the mess the rest of it has made. Are you going to talk to Ben? He’s right here if you want to.”
“I’m trying to let Harlow make that choice. No matter how curious I am. No matter how much I want to show up at Gloria’s door with an attorney and paperwork forbidding that bitch from ever uttering a single word to or about Harlow ever again,” Miles told her.