“It felt nice. Singing with him I mean. I didn’t even get nervous that I was singing his song and his words. Until the end when I had that realization, and then it was…okay. More than okay. That’s not a fair word. I hope he appreciated our treatment.”
“I watched him the whole time. He was totally down with the way you sang it. He looked at you like he wanted to take a bite.”
Brian, who was to her left, leaned in close to say, “I like that you’re happy he came out on stage. I know you’re wary about what people might think about how you achieve the things you do. I’m real fuckin’ proud of the Harlow out there with the dude she’s caught feelings for, not giving a fuck about anyone who doesn’t wish her the best. This guy is good for you. But better than that is how you are good for yourself.”
Harlow came to a halt and then threw her arms around him. She couldn’t say anything without risking tears, so let the hug speak for her. He teased her from time to time. They argued too, didn’t talk to one another for a day or two until it was forgotten or worked through. But mainly he was part of her family. He knew more about her, cared more about her than her biological brothers.
And instead of feeling the lack of what her brothers had given, she felt the blessing of having such wonderful people in her life. That Brian, who didn’t often have conversations about feelings, would say that to her meant so, so much.
Nora grinned at them both as they headed the rest of the way back.
Miles met them as they turned a corner and she found herself skipping the last few feet to him and jumped into his arms. “Hi.”
He smiled at her as she eased back to the ground before he fell, or she broke something he needed to play music.
“Hi. Thanks for letting me come out tonight. I had a great time.” He kissed her quickly. “I loved the way you sang my lyrics.”
“I’m glad you didn’t mind that we covered you.”
“Are you kidding? I’m totally flattered, and you killed it. Everyone else thought so too.”
The other three members of Earthquakes caught up with Miles. After calling out their compliments on the cover Above Me had just done, they headed to the stage so she stepped away from him knowing he had to move too. “Going to clean up and then come back to catch your show. Kick some ass.”
“Okay.” After another quick kiss, he turned, and she watched him walk away for a few seconds before they both disappeared beyond the opposite corner. Seconds later he jogged back to her. “Hey, I was…do you want to spend the four days between shows up in Montreal with me? Just me and you? I thought we could, you know, maybe get a rental somewhere.”
He blushed and she went to her toes to kiss him. With Nora and Brian going back to Southern California to visit family during that time, she’d definitely like to spend it with him. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
“We’ll talk details later. See you in a bit.” He kissed her once more, and moved away again quickly to catch up with the rest of his band.
“Looks good coming and going. Damn,” she muttered with a smile as she caught up with Nora and Brian.
Miles looked Harlow up and down slowly. God damn, she was sexy. “See, now I’m regretting making these dinner reservations. I’d much rather stay in and dine on you.”
She wore a body hugging deep blue dress that ended mid-thigh. Her very long legs were bare, and she wore strappy heels. He loved that. Loved that she was an amazon, tall and strong and wore high heels not caring that she was already tall. It was another example of the fearlessness she had that called to him.
Her hair hung in pretty curls that framed her face and she had her lips painted what he considered his favorite red on her. He wanted to see that on his cock.
“You know what that lipstick does to me,” he murmured as he got close enough to press his lips to the side of her neck and breathe her in. He heard her soft intake of breath and saw the flush creep up her chest and neck.
The power of it rode his spine.Hecould make her breathless. She was his to please. A high bar, and one he gladly put energy into meeting.
“You’re one to talk. Look at you,” she said, pressed against his body, her head tipped back as he licked a path down her throat. “Not that my eyes are open,” she whispered. “But it’s burned into my memory.”
A buzz from his phone was the text telling him their car had arrived and was out front. He’d arranged for an apartment with a private elevator and enough security he felt they’d be safest and away from any paparazzi.
“I was about to suggest we order takeout so I could bend you over that couch and take you from behind. But our ride is here.”
“There’s plenty of time.” She smoothed her palms down the buttons of his shirt before straightening his tie. “You really do look delicious in a suit.”
“Gotta keep up with you,” he said, guiding her into the elevator once she’d grabbed her handbag.
The mirrored walls of the elevator car reflected them back. With her heels she was the same height as he. The two of them looked really good together. Dressed up and ready for dinner in a quiet, dark, and very well reviewed restaurant that had been around forever.
She pulled her phone out and took a photo of their reflection and then a selfie with him.
“We look awesome, Miles. I’d fuck us.”