Page 39 of Reckless

“Us how?” she asked, calmly. Sort of. He caught the concern in her gaze for a brief moment.

“There’ve already been some pictures. We knew that. But there are some from before the show in New Orleans. My arm around your shoulders. Then another of us embracing. And some from today. From the street of us walking. And through the window of the shop where I kissed you.” He shrugged, hoping she understood he had no problem at all with it being known they were together. “It’s pretty clear we’re involved.”

She pulled her phone out and did a social media search. “Nora must have known,” she muttered. Miles knew Nora and Brian did a lot of the social media stuff.

Miles took the opportunity to get even closer to her to look at her phone screen. And there they were. The photos that had already been out were enough to get people speculating about the way he looked at her or how close they stood to one another. But the ones he’d been talking about were…well they were enough that anyone looking would see way more than two friends spending the day. Kissing, but it was also the way his hand was buried in her hair. Holding hands was one thing, but in one he’d been kissing the inside of her wrist and she’d been looking at him through half lidded eyes.

If Miles hadn’t already admitted to himself just how intensely he felt for her, seeing it so clearly in the series of photos certainly would have made it impossible to deny. Those moments captured in the pictures had shown a deeply attracted couple. The sexual energy was palpable. Just looking at them again made his dick hard.

“They’re going to ask you about this at your next media thing,” she said quietly.

“Yep.” And now he could finally be honest and move on when it did come up.

“I’m sorry.”

Hurt speared through his gut. “What the fuck do you have to be sorry for? Being with me? Kissing me?”

Her features softened and she shook her head. “No, dumbass. But this is out now, and you have to deal with it. That’s what I’m sorry about.”

Relief replaced the hurt. “Oh. Well, I don’t accept your apology because I don’t care about that. And it’s not your fault. We weren’t trying that hardnotto be seen together anyway.”

It had been sort of reckless, but she’d done it regardless, knowing they took a risk every time. And wasn’t that hot as fuck? Knowing he wasn’t alone in this constant craving that made him pursue her despite the logic of waiting. It was impossible not to touch her when they were out and about together. She made him feel like he fit in a spot perfectly shaped for only him.

“It takes focus off your business goals to have to answer questions about your girlfriend.”

He flashed her a grin and kissed her quickly at that last bit, and then sobered a little. “When they ask me, and they will. I’ll keep it simple. I want to respect your privacy, but I don’t want to pretend we aren’t together. Yes, we’re dating. Yes, it’s serious. Yes, it’s private. Now let’s talk about our next single or show or whatever. Does that work for you?”

“I like that you asked me,” she told him as she tucked her phone away. “You could just do whatever you wanted. That’s sort of your vibe.” She snorted and then she was the one who took his hand. “I notice when you pause to wrestle back all your bossiness and include me in things like this. Although, we’re riding in a car you booked after canceling the one I already had scheduled.”

“And now we don’t have to be so wary. If it’s out, I can hold your hand anywhere. Or kiss you, or whatever.” He sat back against the seat, feeling very satisfied with himself. “As for the car?” What could he say? He’d done it because he wanted her to have a more luxurious experience, one he could afford far easier, and the driver also had a personal security background should they need it.

Harlow gazed at him, one corner of her mouth quirked up. Waiting for him to explain.

“Okay. So. I’m…not going to apologize because I’m not sorry I did it.”

Her head whipped slightly and part of him inside stilled at the sight of the predator within her coming to the surface. She was no fragile flower even though he wanted to treat her that way.

“Is that so?” she said, an edge in her tone.

“What I mean is I’m sorry for surprising you. I should have told you up front. I just handled it without thinking. It’s like the room service, right? You let me pay for that. I wanted to be sure you’d be the most comfortable and at ease as you could get. I know this is stressful. I’m not sorry I did something to protect and spoil you.”

“It’s not the cost, Miles. It’s the audacity.”

He had to fight so hard not to smile at that. She had him so dead to rights. “My mum says I’ve been audacious since before I could walk.”

She harrumphed and looked away, but he caught the ghost of a curve on her lips and knew he’d charmed her out of being mad.

“I’m so glad you reached out,” Mindy told Harlow as they stood in the kitchen an hour later. Miles, Hector, and Luis were in the dining room sitting at the table, drinking beer, and talking.

“I appreciate your inviting us. And for making dinner. I know you work all week.”

“We don’t get to see you very often so I’m glad we had this chance. The last few times we’ve all been together have been…tumultuous to say the least. It’s good to have a quiet dinner where we can catch up.”

Tumultuous. Ha! Yeah, that was a good term for Gloria’s presence. Harlow relaxed a little, feeling welcomed by her sister-in-law in that subtle reference.

“Look,” Mindy continued quietly, “I just want to say I see it. The way she acts toward you. You’re not imagining it.”

Relief poured through Harlow. Just having another person admit they saw the same thing Harlow did, after an entire lifetime of pretending it away, meant more than she could say.