“Hi! What are you two up to?” Poppy asked.
“There’s an intermediate yoga class downstairs. Hotel says it’s for all guests, so we figured we’d hit it up and see,” Harlow told them.
“Really? Do you mind if we come too?” Maddie asked. “Poppy and I were just talking about how we needed to do something. We’ve got mats already.”
“We’d love for you to come with us. It doesn’t start for another ten minutes. We’ll meet you there and save you space,” Nora said.
Harlow really liked both women. She and Nora had a lot in common with them. They were down to earth, especially given their place in the world.
Harlow also liked it that while Poppy was super yoga person like Nora, Maddie was more her speed. Stretching, muscle strength, focus and a way to keep moving, was all she’d wanted too.
Afterward, they all grabbed breakfast in a café not too far from the hotel.
“How are you liking everything so far?” Poppy asked once the food had arrived.
“The crowd has been great every night. The sound is fantastic, and our engineer is over the moon,” Harlow began.
“And we just got news that we’ve got two singles charting now,” Nora added. “Being out on the road is a lot at times, but the exposure is helping so we can’t complain at all.”
“Socially everything is fine?” Maddie asked.
“What do you mean?” Harlow wasn’t sure.
“She means is everyone being nice and making you feel welcome,” Poppy explained.
“Ah! Yes. It’s fun being on tour with another band. More people to chat and hang out with. Usually.” There were exceptions, Harlow knew.
“We’ve all traveled withthatband,” Maddie said with a snicker. “Thank goodness you’re not like that. We love you and are so glad you’re here.”
“Definitely,” Poppy said. “By the way, after the show tonight, we’re all invited to a late dinner if you’re interested. Which I hope you are because otherwise it’ll be a bunch of dude rockers who Miles and Silas have been friends with since I was a kid. They’re nice, don’t get me wrong. But I’d like it if you were there.”
“Miles would too,” Maddie murmured.
Nora’s brows lifted and before Harlow could stop her friend, she said, “Yeah. I’ve noticed. What’s that about?”
Harlow sighed.
“What? Like you think they aren’t curious?”
“Is it so shocking he’d be interested in my company?”
Nora halted. “It’s not shocking. Look at yourself! He’s lucky you look right back at him. Curious doesn’t mean shocked. You know I’m always team Harlow.”
Harlow put her head on Nora’s shoulder a moment. “You’re right. Sorry.”
Nora knew all her buttons and triggers. She also knew all the work Harlow had done to overcome them. She was so very lucky to have Nora in her life.
“I know what Nora means,” Poppy said. “Iamcurious. And I know Maddie is too. Obviously, you’re someone he’d look twice at. But that’s not really it. He’s around beautiful people all the time. She’s more than that. And I think Miles sees it and can’t help but be interested. He’s not…he doesn’t usually do more than flirt with people around him as he’s working. This is different.”
“It’s only been a week. I’m…interested too. But this is dangerous. We’re on a tour together. He’s the leader of the headlining band we open for. I just don’t want the negative attention. The whole assumption by some that nothing is organic and real, but a way to manipulate via my vagina so I can get what I want is hard for me to not listen to,” Harlow admitted.
“Yeah, that sweet, sweet next to nothing pay for opening on an arena tour,” Maddie teased with an open smile that Harlow was grateful for. “The first year I was in Earthquakes there were all sorts of opinions that I must be boning Miles or Silas. Then it was that I was chosen because of who my dad is. Who my uncles are. It never fucking ends.”
Maddie’s voice was magic. She was quite clearly talented, and it burned Harlow’s gut to know that sort of bullshit happened to women no matter what.
“Well that sucks,” Nora said.
“My mother is a former model. She’s tall and blonde and absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous. She’s also a smart businessperson with a thriving chain of boutiques. She ran two of them before she even got back together with my dad. And still people liked to say she was coasting on the Hurley name. It’s depressing to know it’s never about who the woman is or what she does. It’s always about the person who brings that nonsense up to attempt to destabilize her. All women really. Because they hate to see us succeed, Harlow. Fuck them. I succeed! Not gonna lie and deny part of my success is from sheer spite.”