Her smile in response sent a shiver through him. Supreme woman expression, utterly sure of her sensual appeal and it yanked him far closer to orgasm than he’d planned to be at that moment.
“I want you to have something to think about when we’re on different continents.”
As if he wasn’t already going to think about her all the time?
“I’ll add this to the myriad other moments that make me love you,” he told her and watched as she blinked back emotion.
She dropped closer, still stroking herself over his cock, to kiss him. At first it was sweet and gentle but soon enough, as they both drew closer to climax, she added the edge of her teeth to nip his bottom lip.
He hummed his delight because he fucking adored it when her control wisped away because of the pleasure he’d given her. Although, in this case, she gave it to both of them. Making it even hotter.
She was the most gorgeous erotic wet dream wrapped in skin he’d ever beheld as she rose again, her body blocking out the light at her back, casting her face in shadows that rendered her more beautiful and mysterious.
That she was as astonishingly gorgeous inside as she was on the outside was a miracle to him and something he woke up thankful for every damned day.
“I’m so glad we found each other,” he told her, looking up into her face.
Her smile did him in. Vulnerable and touched, proud and confident. All a swirl of Harlow’s most alluring qualities.
He arched up and one of her eyebrows rose imperiously until she rolled her head around and stretched her shoulders like she was getting ready for a marathon. Then she tightened her pussy around him, bathing him in that hot, sticky honey, stroking over and over until her breath went uneven and her gaze glassy.
Orgasm built in his belly as he continued to arch up right when his piercing brushed her clit. Her nails dug into his sides sending a wave of pleasure/pain through him and when she came on a gasped whisper of his name, that was all. He couldn’t hold it back another second as he joined her.
She continued to move over him for a while afterward until she rolled off his body. “Uh, I think we both might need a shower,” she said with a laugh at the mess on his belly and her thighs.
“When I can work my legs again, that’s a plan.”
She jumped up and returned with a warm, wet cloth she cleaned him up with. Why that should have filled him with such tenderness he didn’t know, but it did. Like everything else, when she took care of him in little or big ways, it centered him, reinforced that he’d made the right choice falling in love with this person who sought to comfort and enrich his life.
“It’s only six weeks,” she said later. “And it’ll go fast because we’ll both have so much work.”
Problem was, he’d gotten used to working with and around her. He’d deal. Just as she would. But he’d miss her terribly.
“We’ll text and call and chat via video. Then we’ll have our time at the end of our tours, and the rest of the year to spend together,” he said.
It wasn’t like their jobs would end when the tour was over. There was always new music to be made and she’d told him earlier that day that Jeremy had already started negotiating with the label for more from Above Me. That would take more effort from them too. Then there would be awards show season and all that other stuff and Jeremy was in talks for a movie role for Miles that would start shooting the following spring.
Their lives would continue to be busy, which was better than the alternative of it being quiet because they weren’t selling albums well enough to get picked up for a new contract. But he was certain they’d get through it and work around their schedules because their relationship was worth it.
He might have been nervous leaving another person for six weeks at this point in a relationship or be wondering if they had what it took to survive the chaos of the entertainment industry. But he…wasn’t. Their connection was so real and so deep and she was not dependent on him as much as she was the boss of her own world and made room in the front seat for him to join her.
The damage Gloria had done notwithstanding, Harlow was his partner because she was bold and confident and talented. In her own right. Worries about what others might think aside, two artists in the same business could make it work if they were both in the right headspace. Lucky for him, they were.
Seven weeks later
They walked offstage, holding hands. United as they’d been the first night of their solo tour back in January. Their bond—emotional and musical—stronger than it had been back then. Nine months on and off the road would have destroyed them or made them tighter and it had been the latter.
Harlow tried not to cry but it had been an amazing show and the last one until the next year. They’d kicked ass through festival season, played several solo gigs that had been added after their successful open for Earthquakes, and had flown to do their own European shows, albeit a much smaller version of the tour Earthquakes was finishing.
It was the last time they’d walk down a hallway to and from the stage until their next show the following February. Back in their dressing room after everyone had cleaned up and changed, they got all their things ready to go. Gear would ship back to the United States to be stored in a warehouse. Most of Harlow’s stuff would be shipped back to Seattle and Nora and Brian would head out to Italy in just a few hours so they’d take clothes and send the rest home.
The trip to the airport they’d mainly looked at one another, started to speak and then began to cry. Even Brian. So they’d eventually quieted down for the rest of the trip.
They paused at the area on the other side of security at the airport, each heading in the other direction. “I’ll see you both in a few months. Have a great time in Italy.” Harlow hugged Brian and Nora. “Text me when you get there so I know you’re safe.”
Nora sniffled, hugging Harlow tight as they both cried ugly tears. “This whole year with you recording and touring has been magic. And I can’t think of anyone I’d want to share it with more than you. You’re my soul mate, Harlow. I love you and I’m so proud of us that we pulled this off. We’ve got a song being used in a movie. We just got a new deal from the label because the numbers were so fantastic. Four singles have charted. All that cloud talk from high school came true. How rad is that?”