“Are you going to be okay now that this tour is over, and Earthquakes will be in Europe for the next six weeks?” he asked as Ryder played with Harlow’s hair.
“I’ll miss him. But I was fine before he came along, and I’ll be fine when he’s away for work. I have my own work too. Our first festival date is in four days. He and the rest of his band leave day after tomorrow for Spain. He and I will call and text and if we can’t make it work, I guess it’s better to know now. But I think it’ll be fine.”
“Backstage can be a horror movie for anyone worried about their partner straying,” her dad said.
“Truth. But I’m not worried about it. I can’t be. If he wants to be with someone else, he will be. I can’t be with him every moment to make sure he never gets the chance to mess around. It’s what you do when you’re not being watched that counts, right? He’s not messy like that. If he wanted out, he’d do the respectful thing and say so before he stepped out.” And if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be the man she loved anymore.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I don’t think you need to be concerned. But I do think it’s good to know what you’re facing,” he said, grinning at Ryder, who started singing her ABCs.
They wandered back to the heart of the party. Harlow filled a plate with the things Ryder pointed at and then they found seats at one of the many tables set up around the yard.
After four bites, Ryder caught sight of her mom and ran off to tell her all the things. Harlow snorted and pulled the plate over. Waste not want not.
“Mind if I join you?”
She looked up at Brody Brown. Harlow waved at the empty chairs. “Have a seat.”
“Having a good time?” he asked.
“I am. Gillian and Mary did a great job setting this whole thing up. It’s nice to be able to celebrate with people you love when you finish a tour.”
Brody nodded. Harlow didn’t know him very well. But what she did know was Brody was instrumental in the man Miles was.
“When you’re done with your summer and fall dates and Miles is finished, Elise and I would love to have you over for the weekend. I’ll fire up the barbecue and we’ll hang out and get to know you. It’s hard in a setting like this. Too many expectations and people watching.”
He laughed and she saw Miles in the movements and his expression. Saw Adrian too. This man—Erin and Adrian’s older brother—had dropped everything to step in and raise his siblings after their parents had died. They all spoke of him with a sort of reverence. At the same time, he was flesh and blood like anyone else. And yet he radiated an effortless calm and sense of competency few others could.
“We’ve never seen Miles in love before. Oh yes, there wasthe interviewer, but he didn’t bring her around. For the best, as we’d have seen her for what she was sooner. While you’re making a mistake, sometimes you do all you can not to see what a mistake you’re making. You know on some level, so you hide from anyone who’d tell you otherwise. He learned.”
“She’s awful. I mean, she’s very pretty and I can see she’d be fun at parties. But scratch the surface and she’s totally about herself. And she ran through your lives with scissors. I’m so sorry about that interview. I didn’t know who she was until toward the end and then it was too late. I never meant to have your family get hurt.”
He patted her hand briefly and stole a chip off her plate. She understood now where Miles got that too.
“She’s no threat to us. The world already knows Erin has two husbands. Frankly, you’ve met her, do you think one mere human could manage that?”
Harlow nearly choked on her surprised laugh, and he winked at her.
“Sophie never cared about who Miles was beyond his status. She encouraged his most self-destructive behavior, but he did those things himself. Miles kept telling me he wasn’t looking for love or forever. And I said forever didn’t care. And then you popped up and he understood what I meant. You see him. Not just the rockstar part. Not just the jetset life. You see his family and his heart. You understand he’s so much more than those few hours he’s on stage. He deserves to be loved by someone and I’m glad it’s you.”
The men at this party were bound and determined to make her cry that day apparently.
She tried not to make a big deal out of her sniffles but he handed her a napkin so she must have failed. “Sorry.”
“For what? Loving Miles so much you’re touched when someone who loves him too says they appreciate you?” Brody asked. “Life’s too fucking short, kid. Look. Miles is a great guy and I’m not just saying that because he’s my nephew. You survived a legit Brown/Keenan/Copeland swarm like a champ. Even when Ben fucked things up.” Brody snorted. “He’s a kind man who loves his family. I’m glad you worked it out. Takes guts to give someone a second chance.”
“Well, for heaven’s sake, he didn’t mean to be anything but kind. I wasn’t mad. He and I both had too many sore spots. But he was kind and he helped me. Doesn’t take guts. Just compassion. Anyway, it was more Miles than Ben. And Miles and I worked that out too,” Harlow told him. “Mainly. Your nephew is very bossy. He’s a work in progress.”
He grinned at her. “See, this is why I think you and Miles are perfect for one another. You don’t take any of his bossy or controlling shit.”
“Well, not all of it. It’s sort of impossible to stop Miles from being bossy. It’s part of who he is. I don’t want to change him, but sometimes he needs to be told no in a very firm voice. He loves me very well. He wants to protect me from everything and everyone. I’m told he and his father get it from you.”
His surprised laughter caught attention and soon enough, Miles wandered over.
“He wants to keep an eye on us both,” Brody said with a wink.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Miles said and sat next to Harlow, putting an arm around the back of her chair.