Apparently, everything was easy when it came to Miles and his dick.
Miles took one of her hands and led her to her pussy. “Make yourself come again, beauty.”
She didn’t need to do much more than touch her clit with the tips of her fingers, letting him do most of the work as he continued to thrust into her.
Harlow let her eyes drift closed again as she gave over to how good it was with the fat width of him so deep, with that piercing, with the way his muscled thighs felt against the backs of her own. He was so strong but she knew he’d never use that to hurt her. Would in fact go as far as he could in the opposite direction.
“So close. I can feel your cunt gripping me tighter and tighter. You’re so wet, baby. It’s driving me to distraction.”
His movements got a little less controlled and she knew he was close too. Concentrating, she tightened herself, working those inner muscles around him until he grunted, and she knew they were in a race to see who came first.
The sight of those fingerprints where he gripped her hips while he fucked her made her lightheaded with delight.
Orgasm built and began to yawn wide, sucking her in and with her, Miles as well. He pressed so deep she gasped, pinned between him and the couch as she came so hard she saw stars against her closed eyes and felt the jerk of his dick inside as he climaxed.
He put an arm around her waist, pulling her back to the bedroom as he helped her onto the mattress and went to dispose of the condom before joining her.
“Give me fifteen minutes and then I’ll make us drinks while you scoop us both some ice cream,” she said as she snuggled into his side.
“You’ve got a deal.” He kissed the top of her head.
Harlow couldn’t stop smiling. She and Miles were on the back of a golf cart being driven through a large festival space to where her dad’s band had lunch set up.
Metal festivals hadn’t changed much since she’d toured with her dad. The usual suspects of food and drink stands, of people everywhere dressed every which way. So much hair. “Best hair in the industry. Hands down,” she told Miles as they passed by a group of teenagers, some with hair to their asses, one with a mohawk, a wide variety of colors too.
This had been her summer camp. Her weekends at the lake or a family reunion. “Being here just feels comfortable, you know?” she said to Miles.
“When it’s not my band it feels like I’m at a theme park. I can dawdle here and there, see whoever I want. I know where everything is. Yeah, I totally get it. I feel the same.” He kissed the top of her head.
“It is weird though that one of your godfathers is the lead singer of Dark Divine,” Miles said. She’d just told him that a few days prior when he’d made some comment about Marky Archer’s ability to hit those high notes and still be metal as fuck.
Dark Divine had started playing shitty little clubs in Pittsburgh in the mid nineteen seventies and never stopped touring. Most rock bands playing there at the festival had been influenced by them in one way or another. Marky had seen something in Harlow’s dad, Richie and his band A Martin James Family Joint, AMJFJ as they more commonly went by, and had become a mentor of sorts. At first. But then, her dad and Marky had become close as brothers and he’d just been Uncle Marky to her.
“My cousin Xander loves rock and roll and metal music. When I told him I was coming here today with you, he was so jealous,” Miles said.
“Xander is the tattoo artist cousin, right? Erin’s son?”
“Yes, that’s him. He’s ridiculously good at tattooing. My uncle Brody owns the shop Xander works at. He and another artist, Raven Warner, trained him from when he was like fourteen or so until now. He’s the one who’s doing this dragon.” Miles indicated his shoulder.
“I’ll get him some tickets when the tour rolls through Seattle,” she told him.
Miles’s wide open, happy smile was her prize for the offer. “Thanks. He’d love that. He wants to meet you. I’ve been texting him about you. He’s more like my little brother than a cousin. I tell him the good stuff.”
“Aw.” She was the good stuff.
They’d reached the tents where the different bands had set up to hang out or eat in, so Harlow began looking for her dad. She knew he’d have been told when they came through the gates and would be waiting outside for them. He did the same thing when she was coming to his house. It always said to her that he couldn’t wait to see her.
And there he was. His formerly dark brown, waist length hair now trimmed short, shot with silver at his temples, he wore jeans and an Above Me tour t-shirt that had her grinning as hard as he was once he’d caught sight of their approach. He was, like the man at her side, a star. But more than that, he was her dad.
She hopped down and skipped over into a big hug. “Punky, you’re here. I missed you,” he told her.
“I missed you too,” she said as she squeezed him tighter for a few seconds more.
He took a look at her and smiled. “You look good. Healthy. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself.” He kissed her cheek and hugged her one more time.
“You remember Miles.”