Page 40 of Arranged Hearts

“I wouldn’t know because I kicked her out.” I sit on the bed, ready to tear his throat out before he continues, “Sent her to a hotel, which is paid up for a month, and told her after that she is on her own. Time for you to stop coddling her.”

“I do no such thing,” I argue with a huff.

“Well, I’m sure when she’s out of money, you’ll hear from her,” he says, shrugging. Joey glances around the room before his eyes connect with mine again. “Will you take a walk with me?”

“Should I?” I ask, my brow quirking all on its own. “I mean, your girlfriend wouldn’t care, would she?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. I have a non-wife.”

“Hmm…” I stand and reach for a cardigan as it’s starting to get a little chilly, and I hate the cold. “Where are going?”

“Friends, remember?”

“Who fuck,” I add in as I approach him.

“Yes, about that…” He moves fast, his hand gripping my neck before his lips slam onto mine. I let him kiss me, and it’s perfect.

How did he learn to kiss like that? How does he know how to kiss me in a way that all I hear, feel, and breathe is him?

I hate that he consumes me.

But I also revel in it.

Reluctantly, I push him, and he steps back, his lips red and swollen. I bet mine look the same.

“Should we go?” I go to push past him, but he doesn’t move, and I can’t slip by him because he is standing in the doorway.

“Why did it have to be you?” he asks. This man knows just what to say to have my heart beating only for him and crumbling to pieces in the same breath. His hand lifts and brushes back a stray piece of hair that fell across my face. “I wish it were anyone but you. It would have made this whole process of moving on easier.” Gripping my hand, he gives it a small squeeze before we start walking.

He doesn’t let go until we reach the busy sidewalk. When he finally releases me, he slides his hands into his pockets and looks straight ahead.

If I had to guess, I would say he is conflicted. And I get it. I do.

So I don’t say anything and wait for him to speak first.

“I’ve gone back and forth…”

“Okay,” I breathe, nervous and confused, but listening.

“A part of me doesn’t want to be with you, Adora.” I bite my lip at his words. “Another part is screaming at me whenever you are near me because I want you so much.” He stops, and I stop with him. Cars are honking, and buses are everywhere, the streets are packed, as is typical in New York.

“This is for you.” He pulls a set of keys from his pocket, offering them to me.

“What are these?” My eyes narrow in question as he sets them in my palm.

“He may have taken things away from you, fromus, but I want you to have this.” He nods to something behind me, and when I turn around, there’s an empty shop.

“I don’t get it.” I turn back to him, and he steps closer until his hands touch my shoulders, and he spins me, so my back is to his front.

Leaning down, he whispers in my ear, “Your bookstore. Yours and only yours,” he says, causing shivers to rack my body. “The last one was taken from you, and we know he will never repay you. This is one of my properties. And now I am gifting it to you. The lawyer will draw up the paperwork and send it to you tomorrow.”

His words shock me still.

What? How? Why?

I glance over my shoulder at him. As he stares at me, so many emotions cross his face. I wish I was only responsible for the good ones.

“You didn’t have to do that.”