Page 89 of Arranged Hearts

She touches her face. “I’m prettier with it.”

“You are prettier without it,” I tell her.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” I sigh.

She shrugs, playing with the hem of her skirt. “For helping. I don’t know what he did, but I can see you are hurt. I’ve come here daily, and Merci says you aren’t in. Today is the first day I have been able to reach you because your phone is off. So… I’m sorry.”

“It’s going to take time for me to trust you again, Abigail. But you are the only family I have left. So I won’t disregard you, even though I should,” I say. “But one hint of you being a dick…” I click my fingers, “… and we are done.”

“Thank you.” I wave her off as Sailor walks in. She eyes Abigail but doesn’t say a word. Abigail offers me a wave and walks out, and I don’t know how to feel.

“You get that death stare from your husband?” I ask her, laughing. “You got it down pat. Made her run.”

“Ha-ha, and yes, I did. I use it on Keir when he pisses me off. Gets me whatever I want.” She puts her hands on her hips. “Bianca is home now,” she informs me.

I sent her flowers and chocolates. I wasn’t sure what else to send someone willing to sacrifice their life just to keep my son and me safe. I’m sure that’s what any mother would do, but as we know, I’m not familiar with that concept. So I did the only thing I could think of and sent flowers. I plan to see her later today, especially now that she’s home. I’ll even take Jerome because I know that will cheer her up.

“How is she?”

“She’s good. Bossing people around and up and walking,” Sailor says as she checks the shelves. “I need the spiciest book you have so I can test all my moves on Keir and show him up.”

“You sound like Chanel, except it’s Lucas that I hear it from,” I say, smiling.

“Yeah, I know. It’s what gave me the idea. When she drinks, she likes to tell me how he makes her call him Daddy. Which, let’s be honest, she secretly likes.”

“Lucas is…interesting.”

“Yeah, he speaks highly of you. Well, from however highly Lucas can speak.”

“Is there another reason you’re here?” I ask. She keeps on touching things as if she’s nervous.

“I wanted to know what’s happening with you and Joey. He won’t talk to any of us about it. Keir asked me if I’d spoken to you. So I was curious. Lucas said you two looked cuddly, and that’s it.” She shrugs, her eyes searching my face. “I mean… what I am trying to say is, I hope you two work it out. I liked having you as a sister-in-law, and I would enjoy that again if it happens in the near future.”

“I’m not sure of anything right now,” I reply honestly. “Let alone Joey. We are so up in the air that I just kind of want to leave it up there to dry.”

“Like, not be together again?” she questions.

I take a minute to walk to the back of the store, pick a book from the erotica section, and give it to her before I answer, “Like I said, I don’t know.” I nod to the book. “In this one, he ties her by her hands to the ceiling and tortures her with his mouth. It’s dark, so be prepared. It starts sweet, then bang!”

“The ceiling?” Her eyes go wide, and I nod in reply. “Love Drunk. I like the title.” I smile. “I’ll be at Bianca’s later if you want to come around.”

“I will. Can I bring Jerome?”

“Of course. She’s already been asking about him. I swear she likes him more than her own grandkids.” She laughs. “Are you okay with everything? I really want to make sure you are. Your sister too?” She looks behind her at the door. “She’s young. Hopefully, she starts making the right choices sooner rather than later.”

“Yeah, that’s the hope.”



“She can’t stay here any longer. This shit is not how it works,” Lucas complains, throwing his hands up.

“It is how it works because I said so,” I inform him.

“This is my bar.”