Page 76 of Arranged Hearts

“She was a beauty, just like you.” He turns back to me. “I wasn’t as powerful then as I am now.”

“You aren’t powerful,” I tell him. “Just delusional.” I don’t hold back from saying what I want to him because I know in the end, he will kill me anyway. It’s why I am here. He may as well get all my hate and loathing before it is all said and done.

“She told me she loved me before she went off and got with your father.” His eyes are watching me for emotion, but I can’t give him any. He doesn’t deserve them.

“So you took her daughter?” I scoff. “You do realize how fucked that sounds, right?”

How did I not know any of this before?

Why was this a secret?

It just proves how fucked-up he really is. And that’s saying a lot considering who I am.

“No, I didn’t take you for that reason. I stayed away, even when she ran off, and your father married someone else. I knew your father despised you because of your mother. You see, the truth is, she broke his heart, and Abigail’s mother hated you because you were the product of what she hated the most… your mother.”

"How do you even know all of this?” I ask, finally climbing to my feet.

“I’ve always known and was pleasantly surprised when you killed your father.”

“Did I make you proud?” I ask sarcastically.

“You did. I went looking for you. What I didn’t expect was for you to run to another country, hiding right under the Rossis’ noses.”

“Better sometimes to be in plain view.”

“Yeah, how did that work out for you?” He walks back to me and crouches down to get in my face. “They killed all my men. It’s just you and me now.”


“I got you out just in time, and my men paid the price.”

“Joey,” I whisper, realization dawning on me. He came for me.

Scott slaps me across the face.

“Yes, that low life.”

“They didn’t pay the price because of him. That was because of you,” I point out. He pushes me back into the dirt, my hands scraping against the gravel as I catch myself.

“Your mother at least knew when to keep her mouth shut.” He bends down close. “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone before.”

“You shouldn’t,” I reply. “I want to know nothing else that leaves those lips except where Jerome is. Now…where is my son?”

“I left him.”

“You what?” I scream, scrambling upright and standing.

“Do you think that man of yours will help him? Or is he a monster too? From what I have heard, all the Rossis are. They’re even worse than me.”

“They may be to others, but to me, you are the devil,” I point out.

“I’m half of something you love with all your heart, Adora. Remember that.”

“I can never forget.”

His phone starts ringing, and he glances at the screen before he slides it back into his pocket. I scan the area to see where I can run, but I know he will catch me, so I give up. I feel weak, and I need to find a way to get out of here.

“I killed her.” His words bring my eyes back to him. “She didn’t listen, so I killed her.”