Kensi was the first to roll her eyes and turn away from the group. “You guys always talk about how tough you are, so we’re just giving you a chance to prove it.”
Trent glanced Liberty’s way and winked. She couldn’t help but smother a giggle, and she picked up her shovel to go back to digging.
It was tedious work. The longer they dug, the less and less exciting it all became. Then Trey Junior pushed baby Chloe, and she fell and cried. Micah kept saying he thought they should come back the next day, and most of the men would reply that he needed to suck it up.
After an interminable amount of time, Ava, as the chosen representative from the women, moved to Trey’s side. “What if the women and children took one of the helicopters back to South Port?”
Trey quit digging, giving her an exasperated look. But he knew better than to argue.
“I think it might be time for baby Zoey to go down for nap,” Kensi said to Tim.
But no one had a chance to answer, because suddenly Trent said, “I just hit metal.”