Chapter 17
Trent finished his call to his brother-in-law Tim, the local sheriff. He stared at Liberty, who sat on his family room couch at the inn. After staying by her side while she filed police reports, he had called Tim to discuss the situation.
His mind was racing. He had a suspicion that Liberty could be being targeted as a way to get to him. He hoped he was wrong.
Trent approached Liberty, experiencing these intense feelings for this woman all over again. She held a cup of herbal tea, and he’d tucked a blanket around her. Her hair was wet from her shower, but it splayed out behind her on the couch. Her eyes were closed, and her grip looked week enough that it seemed like she would drop the tea.
He took it out of her hands and put it on the little side table by the couch.
She opened her eyes. “Oh, sorry.”
He sat next to her, knowing she was tired, but he needed a moment to hold her. He put his arm around her, and just like the little cat Matt’s daughter, Tatum, always carried around, Liberty snuggled into him.
“I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much trouble tonight,” she whispered into his neck.
The physical chemistry that always accompanied her presence kicked up a notch on his end, but he smothered it. He needed this woman in a way that made him want everything right between them. Maybe to the point of marriage.
Whoa. Holy smokes. Marriage.
He’d honestly never thought he’d be that guy, the one with the wedding, the marriage, and the family. It stunned him to discover that he was actually thinking about it when she mourned for the loss of a husband and son.
A son. The center of his chest seemed to crack open like a dam, letting loose a flood of memories starring his siblings and his own parents. He remembered how it felt to stand next to his father in that picture from the shooting range.
“I’m sorry I’m so much trouble.” Liberty stared at the Christmas tree.
“You’re not.” He kissed the top of her head. “The security here at the inn is fabulous. So both of us can sleep tonight in peace. Trey has some pretty sophisticated stuff, and there are motion detectors at every entrance and window that are now activated.” He shrugged. “I’ve got my Glock, but I could get you a gun too, if you want.”
She pulled back. “Uh, no, that wouldn’t be a good idea.”
He grinned at her. “Probably not a good idea, since you don’t know how to shoot. Or a permit.”
“I would need those.”
“Yes, you would.”
“I do feel safe. With you.”
It was crazy how much he liked hearing those words from her.
She gave him a little smile; then her lips turned down. “I don’t understand. Who would be trying to break in?” She shook her head. “I understand the reason you have such high-tech security here. I mean, you guys have had a history of being harassed for the treasure, and then there is this Mr. Banks you talk about.”
“That’s right. There have been many threats to my family, and we take security really seriously.” His face scrunched into a frown. “I can see your point. I don’t know why anyone would have a reason to break into your grandmother’s house.”
“Cause I heard stuff even before we were dating.”
He frowned.
She wagged her finger. “But, it was on the day I ran into you up by the caves.”
He raked a hand through his hair. “Right. I was talking through a couple scenarios with Brooks and then Tim. One thing that might be happening, and I hate to even tell you this, is that it might be because you’ve been hanging out with me.”
Liberty looked shocked. “Why would that matter?”
Trent didn’t want to frighten her, but he also didn’t want to downplay the situation. “We know that Mr. Banks has eyes and ears everywhere in this town. We know that he watches our family members. We know that he is very interested in finding the gold before us. It could be that he’s trying to get trackers in your house or he’s trying to find out about you because of me.” Unease simmered in his chest. He remembered how horrible Trey had felt after Ava had been attacked—not because of Mr. Banks, but because of the treasure. “I hate that I might be the one putting you in danger.”
Every part of him wanted to go back to her place and put up his own security, call his SEAL team, and ask for assistance. But Brooks had told him he would work the situation, which meant that he would ask his own FBI guys for help to possibly put up security or cameras around her place. Trent might broach the situation with her that they put cameras inside too, but he didn’t want to freak her out even more. Not tonight.
Liberty let out a long breath and leaned into him, putting her hand on his shoulder.