“Yeah.” She couldn’t describe how she felt in this moment, but she suddenly leaned in, placing her hand on his cheek and feeling the stubble.
He froze, his eyes sharp. “What are you doing, Lib?”
“I don’t know. I just … I’ve been thinking about how smooth your face was yesterday and how it already has this stubble on it. I just wanted to feel it.” She sucked in a long breath. “Is it ridiculous how attracted I am to you?”
A light laugh escaped him, and he put his hand around her waist, tugging her toward him and cupping his other hand behind her head. “Not to me,” he whispered, millimeters from her lips. “I kinda think you’re a little bit attractive too.”
Liberty hummed in contentment. This man was nothing less than irresistible. “Are you going to kiss me?”
He shut his eyes and breathed in her hair. “I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.”
She closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to his.
The kiss was everything: heaven and earth moving, fireworks on the Fourth of July, and all the things she loved about romcom movies when snuggled up on the couch in a warm blanket. She found herself floating, falling. The world around her shrank down to Trent’s lips against hers and his hands in her hair. The physical chemistry between them felt heightened because of what she’d learned about him today.
She broke away and gasped for air. “I actually think you kiss like a warrior.”
He narrowed his gaze. “What does that mean?”
She laughed. “You’re just … good at it.”
“Then, I’ll take it.”
She grinned at him. “Maybe you could teach meditative Warrior kissing.”
He grinned. “You’d pay for that?”
She brushed her lips to his. “I would.”
He stroked her hair. “Then I’ll have to figure out what I want for payment.” Lightly, he kissed her lips.
So many feelings pulsed through her, but one surfaced more than the others. “After witnessing how you serve others, I don’t think you actually have the heart of a warrior. I think you have a heart of gold.”
He shuffled in place. “No.”
“Are you blushing?” Dang, this man truly was pure gold; her compliment seemed to embarrass him.
A woman’s voice called out from behind them. “Trent? Liberty?”
Both of them pulled back and turned. The sun was bright, and Liberty couldn’t make out who it was at first. Then she started to laugh. “Lucy?”
Lucy grinned. “Oh my gosh, is history repeating itself? Trent Stone trying to kiss Liberty Grey.” She opened her arms and rushed at them.
Half embarrassed, Liberty fell into her friend’s arms. Lucy looked like she was dressed for an event, wearing tall stilettos, a red scarf, and a tight black dress. Her makeup was impeccable, and she had little red bells in her ears.
“Cheryse told me you were in town, and I was actually planning on stopping by after this little ribbon-cutting thing.” Lucy gave Trent a piercing look. “Were you coming to the ribbon cutting?”
Trent looked surprised, then shook his head. “Honestly, I didn’t even remember until just now.”
“Hey!” A black corvette pulled to a stop next to them. The passenger window rolled down, revealing Cheryse. “You guys are here early.”
Liberty looked at Trent in confusion. “What is going on?”
“A fundraiser.” Lucy linked her arm with Liberty’s. “Come with me. We have to support Cheryse.”
Liberty wouldn’t budge. “Oh no.” Judging by the way Lucy was dressed, this would be a fancy shindig. “Not dressed for that.”
Lucy paused, turning to Trent. “But you guys have to come.”