Chapter 18

As Liberty walked into Lucy’s black-tie affair on Trent’s arm, she was overwhelmed. The lavish Christmas decorations were breathtakingly beautiful. There were bows tied to everything. Lights dripped around the room like diamonds. In the background, a symphony orchestra played Christmas music.

Trent grinned at her. “Lucy … always the overachiever.”

“She’s amazing.” Liberty’s eyes swept up and down Trent. He looked like a million bucks. His blond hair was styled in that curly, messy model way. He had the whole strong jawline and broad shoulders. The tux made him look very sleek.

“Are you checking me out?”

She pressed a light kiss on his cheek. It felt strange to be kissing him in public, but at the same time, it felt like coming home. “I already told you that I think you would definitely be a better Bond than Brooks would be if you guys were playing in the movies.”

Trent roared with laughter, and his cheeks turned red. “True. I do like the thought of that. Well, I like the thought of Brooks being told that.”

“Did I just get the great Trent Stone to blush?”

He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Don’t make it a challenge to see who could make the other one blush, because I’m pretty sure I would win.” His gaze swung down her body and then back up. “Because you look ravishingly good and slightly like that princess character from Tangled.” Absently, he played with a strand of her hair that she had carefully placed around her face after she had piled most of it on top of her head. “And Disney princesses are my weakness.”

“Are they?” She grinned and peered into his eyes.

“Well, okay, if you were the princess, you would be my weakness.”

She flashed him a smile, feeling so different than she had when she’d run into him just days ago. Now she felt flirtatious, and she liked the way Trent gave her all this attention. She had even started talking herself into the idea that she didn’t have to feel guilty about that.

“And the power couple has arrived.” Lucy sauntered toward them, wearing some type of 1930s flapper headdress and a matching gold sparkly flapper dress.

Liberty reached out and hugged her old friend. “It’s gorgeous, Lucy.”

“I am so glad you guys made it.” Lucy put one of her hands on each of theirs. “It wouldn’t be Christmas without a Stone family representative.” She nodded to the corner. “Go pose for a picture with me, please.”

There was a photographer, and he snapped a picture of them by the tree.

“Wait.” Liberty couldn’t resist pulling out her own phone. “I want a selfie.”

They all posed, and Liberty quickly took a picture of her own.

Lucy leaned into her. “You look stunning, by the way.”

Liberty appreciated the sincerity in her tone. “You’re a sweetheart. Thank you.”

“Why don’t you let them have a picture by themselves, Luce?” they heard Cheryse ask.

They all turned to find her standing by the photographer, sporting a broad grin. She was stunning in a strappy red dress and gold heels, and her black hair cascaded straight down her back. Her makeup looked professional. She held up her phone and flicked her hand. “Luce, get out of the way.”

Lucy rolled her eyes and huffed away, a bit breathless. “You may look amazing, but you don’t get to boss me around.” She sashayed over to Cheryse’s side. “Aw, look at you guys, all Christmas cute.”

“Christmas cute?” Trent repeated, almost a perfect imitation of Lucy’s tone.

She giggled at him.

“Alright, got it,” Cheryse said once she’d taken the picture.

Lucy swatted Trent on the shoulder. “Just leave the tux jacket on tonight. You don’t need to be flexing to everyone here, okay?”

Trent shrugged. “Can’t make that promise, Luce.”

Cheryse hugged him and then hugged Liberty. “You two do make a cute couple.” She winked at Liberty. “Though, I’ll refrain from calling you the Christmas cuties.”

Lucy waved. “I’m off to mingle.”