All these protective feelings rushed through him. Sure, he protected people for a living. Being a SEAL was very much his identity, and at all times, anywhere he went, he was on the lookout for anything suspicious. He took that on himself. But having this woman in his care was nothing like he had ever experienced.

“Trent?” she asked softly.

“Yeah?” His voice was hoarse. The feel of her breath against his neck did all kinds of things to him.

“It’s Christmas Eve.”

He looked at the time on the clock next to the Christmas tree. It read one thirty in the morning. He smiled and squeezed her tighter against him. “It is Christmas Eve.”

She sat up and stared into his eyes. “I never thought, three days ago, that I’d be sitting here and feeling the way I feel.”

All Trent knew in this moment was that he wanted to share every Christmas with her for the rest of his life. “Let’s get you to bed.” He winked at her. “You’ll sleep in Hunter’s bed, across the room from me. That work?”

She stood and grinned at him. “That works.”

* * *

After gettingLiberty settled into Hunter’s bed, Trent moved across the room to his own. There were so many thoughts and feelings that wrestled inside him. It wasn’t enough that someone was breaking into her house, someone that possibly had to do with his family and Mr. Banks; he also had to process the fact that this woman was different than any other woman he’d ever dated.

He lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. Of course, he wouldn’t get a lot of sleep, but he already knew that.

For a few minutes, it was quiet. He hoped she had fallen asleep; she needed some good rest. His heart ached to be able to hold her or just be next to her. It bugged him that she was across the room and he couldn’t be right next to her, but he wanted things with her the right way.

“Psst. Are you awake?”

He chuckled. “I don’t think I’ll be sleeping much tonight.”

He looked over at her, and she propped herself up on her elbow. The light from the moon kept the room bright. He could see her form, but he wanted to see her face.

“Do you think I’m in danger?” she asked.

He turned on his side and huffed. “All I know is that Banks is a thug who is so much sneakier than any of us would’ve imagined until Brooks and his wife Serenity ended up having so much trouble.”

“I read an article on that.”

“Because you were stalking me.”


He laughed.

“Do they have proof that Banks killed Serenity’s mother?”

He recoiled inside. This wasn’t a great time to talk about that, but what choice did he have? “Serenity’s ex-husband, John, testified that he heard Banks talking to some of his men about taking Serenity’s mom out. John said the men were joking about it like they had done it. But it doesn’t seem like Banks actually did the deed; he just made the order.”

“I’m scared, Trent.” Her voice was vulnerable and soft.

He jumped off the bed, hastily figuring out how he could be close to her without compromising her. He pulled his bed from behind the wall and started pushing it across the room. It was only a twin bed, so it was pretty easy.

She sat up. “What are you doing?”

“Why, young maiden, I am protecting your virtue while still comforting you.” He shoved the bed against hers and then jumped onto his mattress.

She actually giggled. The sound of it made his heart soar with happiness. “I can’t believe you. You are …” She flung herself down and toward the edge of Hunter’s bed, searching for the right word.

He was already at the edge of his bed, his hand out. “I won’t give you suggestions on what you can say, but handsome, hunky, superhero-ish, all those are good options.”

She giggled again and scooted toward him, taking his hand. “Thank you,” she said softly.