To picture Liya in captivity makes me furious. Nothing could possibly change my mind about that. I’d rather she die than end up with a pig like Cardona.

She would likely die with him, anyway.

Headlights flash behind me. I move into the right lane and speed up a little bit, then focus back on the road.

I can’t. I won’t. I tap the wheel thoughtfully.No way in hell am I giving Cardona Liya for Willow.

Headlights flash behind me again. Growling, I move to the left lane and speed up again. No one else is on the road. There’s no reason for this asshole to stick to my tail.


The sudden impact rocks the vehicle and jolts me forward. My forehead slaps the steering wheel and I grunt, ignoring the searing pain as I grab hold of the wheel. Tires squeal. Headlights flash in the rearview mirror.


I swerve into the right lane and slow down to lose the car. Their tires screech on the road as they speed ahead and spin around, their headlights facing me. I slam on the brakes and spin the wheel to avoid a head-on collision. Brush scratches the underside of the car as I careen into a meadow on the right side of the road.

Just when I’ve got the car under control, the assholes who slammed into me skid to a halt on my left. To my right is more brush.

I’m trapped.

Two men exit from the vehicle. I wait for the taller of the two to approach the driver’s side door and then open the door rapidly, sending him stumbling toward his car. The shorter man holds up a bat and swings. I duck in time for the bat to shatter the driver’s side window.

Glass rains over my shoulders as I drop to the ground and crawl. I grab the short man’s legs and knock him to the ground. I reach for the bat and snatch it away, scrambling to my feet to defend myself.

It’s dark. The only lights are the headlights shining into the field ahead of us, their beams crossing in a perfect X. It back-lights the two guys getting up from the ground and hides their faces.

But I don’t need to see who they are to know who sent them.

You can leave with your brains intact.

He didn’t say anything about my brainsstayingintact after I left.

I dig my heels into the ground and swing at the taller guy. He ducks, leaving his buddy exposed to my rage. A sickeningcruncherupts. The guy hits the side of the vehicle like a beanbag getting tossed carelessly around. As soon as he hits the ground, the taller guy recovers and tackles me.

I hold the bat between us, keeping him at arm’s length. My legs feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, but I manage to pin him in a hold, stiffening my pose to keep him from moving around. He growls with frustration and rears back a fist.

The fist connects before I can react. My grip loosens, and he wiggles away, scrambling to stand up again. I roll to my side and swing the bat at one of his knees. Wood meets bone. A howl of pain rises into the air as the man crumples to the ground.

I don’t take any chances. I have to get the fuck out of here.

I hop into the car, slam the door, and reverse as fast as I can. The headlights spray over the two guys. One is bleeding from the head, an ugly dark red puddle forming under him while the other rolls on the ground. The sound is too faint to hear.

The tires screech. The undercarriage scrapes the road. The headlights illuminate black tar. I slam the gas before I can think about it.

I’m fine.

For now.


Several back roads later, I park the car several blocks away from the safe house and make my way there on foot. I check over my shoulder a few times as I race for the door. When I’m inside, I slap the button on the alarm system.


Heart racing, blood pumping, eyes bulging—I’m leaning against the front door when the stairs creak in front of me. My vision tunnels as I focus on the approaching threat, raising the bat.

Liya holds up her hands. “Hey, it’s me.”