The day passes in much the same fashion as any. Pavel disappears into his office. I join Karina on the porch for tea, gazing at the waves crashing endlessly against the shore. On the third sip of tea, my phone vibrates. Two texts from Mr. Austin flash on the screen. I hide my phone after I read the preview.

“Stepan is going to cook hibachi later,” Karina says. She gives me a curious look over her teacup. Her eyes drift to the phone in my left hand and meet my gaze again. “Will you join us?”

“I always join you for dinner.”

She sets her cup down. “I wanted to give you the option to eat alone again. If you’d like.”

Again. “I only did that once.”

“Pavel made it sound like you do it all the time.”

I don’t sigh or make any sign of my emotions at the accusation. Running my finger over the handle of my teacup, I choose my words carefully. “He’s been sensitive about us lately.”

“Has he been pouting?”

“He’s not pouting, but it seems like it.” I hug my shoulders. “He did buy me these dresses. And he’s been nice.”

“It must be confusing.”

I nod. “I don’t quite know what to do about it.”

“Maybe it doesn’t require you to do anything right now.”

I focus on her. “What do you mean?”

“You have time to decide on what you want, Liya.” She shrugs. “You don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket.”

I continue staring at her, unsure of why she is telling me this. “Pavel would say otherwise.”

“That’s because he’s an impatient jerk.”

I chuckle with amusement and shake my head. “I wish he wasn’t.”

Her expression darkens. She suddenly looks a million miles away. She rests both hands on the table as she stares at her teacup. “We all wish things were different.”


Her eyes widen, and she blinks as if she’s just been shaken from a nap. Her sunny countenance returns. “Yes?”

“Areyouall right?”

The rest of the darkness withers with her smile. “I’ll be fine.”

I lower my gaze to the table. It’s best not to ask. I don’t think I can carry any more emotional weight at this point. Whatever she wishes was different is her business.

And everything I wish with Pavel is mine.

Even if the whole house keeps tabs on it like it’s the hottest new reality show.

Hopefully, dinner stays uneventful. Then I can get back to planning my next move. I hold my phone and tap the screen, reading the preview texts repeatedly.

McDonald’s on 6th and 51st. Tomorrow. 1 PM.



It’s hard to avoid the enticing scent of hibachi that fills the whole house. I’m in the dining room with Karina on my left and Gennadiy on my right. Stepan sets a few trays of food in the center of the table as Pavel sits across from me. Kostya grabs a seat next to Gennadiy.