The reality hits me as hard as Karina did minutes ago.I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Karina stands up and touches my shoulder lightly. “That’s what I thought.”

None of my excuses will work this time. I know what my sister just did. I can hate her for it. Or I can let it fuel me.

Liya is the most important thing in the world to me. Not the Bratva. Not the meeting I have with the families today. Not my brigadiers. Not even my sister.

Just Liya. Always Liya.

I wrap my fingers around the mug.It’s too late.

Liya is gone. The different families are going to want to spend at least half the day discussing what to do next. With Felix dead, loose ends need to be tied. Order must be restored.

Like it was before.Organized.

I stand up and shake off my guilt. There’s no time for regrets. I need to move forward. That’s how I was taught to handle these things. Love was never quite in the cards for me. One experience with it doesn’t have to taint the rest of my life.

Yet it will. I know it will.

Because the hard, undeniable truth is this: I can’t live without Liya.

I’m just not sure what the hell to do about it yet.

I drain the rest of the coffee and make my way to the bedroom. A quick shower later, I’ve shaved and pulled on my favorite black suit. Once I grab a few documents from the safe in the office, I can head out with Stepan. I can put this whole nasty business behind me.

Both LiyaandFelix.

Strange how the two have always been intertwined. Getting involved with Liya always meant being involved with Felix. Now that they’re both gone, my whole life has opened up.

It should be relieving. But it’s not.

Truthfully, it’s terrifying.

I open the safe and reach inside. The cardigan is the first thing I feel. The next is a phone. I take both of them out and set them on my desk. The only things left of Liya in my possession.

She left her phone in the safe. Which means she saw the cardigan. She could have taken the cardigan with her.

So, why didn’t she?

You know why.My heart sinks at the thought.

That dingy thing stayed around her shoulders for days after she arrived at the penthouse. She refused to take it off. The smell of her is embedded in the fibers forever as a result.

Which is why I hid it. I didn’t want to lose the familiar bubbly scent that floated up from the fabric every time I shoved my face into it. The distinct smell of fire has long since faded, but not her scent. Never hers.

She could have taken it with her, but she didn’t.

My heart skips a beat.Because she wanted me to keep it.

I tap the phone, not sure why I’m driven to do so. But the battery’s dead. I reach for a charging cable and plug it in. A few minutes later, it comes back to life and my heart leaps to my throat.

One single notification:Missed call from Willow.

I stare at the phone. Everything shifts for a second, casting new light on the situation. A glimmer of hope winks at me from afar as my mind races.

If Liya is with Willow, then why would Willow call Liya’s phone? I lift the device to inspect the screen.Unless Liya was the one who called.

Radiant emotions beam in my core. I should return the call. Why not? If she doesn’t answer, then it’s not a waste of my time. Just a waste of my hope.