Chapter One


There’s nothing but darkness on the horizon.

The chill of the car doesn’t penetrate the numb haze surrounding me. Though I sense warmth emanating from Pavel, I don’t look at him. I don’twantto look at him.

Why would I? He’s made his decision.

And I’ve made mine.

You’re my light.

Part of me wants to huddle down into the seat. But it’s not an option. I have to stand by my decision. I have to make sure I hold my own.

You are what keeps me out of the darkness.

It’s too late. I’m not his light anymore. I don’t think I ever was.

Don’t do this. Please.

I can’t help myself. I spare him a glance, studying the stern look of concentration on his chiseled features. Once upon a time, I found that expression alluring. That broody focus appealed to me because it meant he was tinkering with a new idea.

Puzzles have always been my thing. That’s why being a doctor made sense. I’m good at picking apart problems. I’m talented at figuring out solutions. And while applying them is a bit rocky, I’m still more than eager to see what happens.

Trial and error. That’s how I get things done.

But right now, every move feels like an error. When I step in one direction, Pavel seems to go in another. We just don’t see eye to eye anymore.

And maybe we never did.

That’s all good and well. We have bigger fish to fry. His sister Karina should be at the house by now. If she’s not, we might have to go looking for her.

My heart shudders in my chest.God, I hope she’s okay.

The car slows to a halt. The safe house looms over us, an inconspicuous structure armed to the teeth. A headache lurks around the edges of my peripheral vision. I ignore it and push the door open without waiting for Stepan. Goose bumps flush my arms as the cool air inside bites my skin.

I march up the steps. I wait for Stepan to unlock the door. And when the door is open, I breeze into the foyer like I didn’t just drop my wedding ring into Pavel’s lap in the car.

I freeze in the middle of the foyer when I see Karina on the steps. She looks worse for wear, her hair a frizzy mess with dirt smeared on her cheeks, but she also seems okay.


Her lower lip trembles as she steps into the foyer and reaches for me.

Without hesitation, I embrace her. She’s shivering so badly that I’m practically vibrating as a result. When I step back, I rub the dirt from her cheeks.

“You all right? Have you settled in yet?”

“No, I was waiting for you to get back.”

Her eyes flicker over my shoulder—her jaw tenses. Emotions flood her irises, and then she steps around me to fling herself at Pavel. As I lean against the banister, I watch them hug each other.

“Who attacked you?” Pavel demands. “Give me every detail you can remember.”

She trembles harder. “Tall, fit, hazel eyes.”

“What else?”