I sigh, realizing exactly where this argument is going. It’s one we’ve had time and time again. And it’s also one where neither of us is willing to concede.

“He’s not a deadbeat, Willow,” I say. “He just needs a little help.”

“Yeah, for like…how long has it been now?”

I don’t know. I stopped counting.

“It’s only for a few years,” I mutter.

“You said thatthreeyears ago, Liya.” She plops onto a stool and pierces me with her kind hazel-blue eyes. “When are you going to live for yourself for once? It’s not fair that you do all the hard work, and Jonas just…whatdoeshe do, exactly?”

“He’s all I have left,” I snap. Flipping around hides her sympathetic gaze, but it doesn’t protect me from feeling like a lost puppy. “I can’t lose that.”

“Look, if you change your mind, you know how to find me.”

I twist the bar mop in my hand, the tattered rag soiled with beer, liquor, and various other fluids that I don’t even want to think about. After plucking the bottle of cleaner from the edge of the counter, I resume my task, watching Willow out of the corner of my eye.

“Hey, I was wondering,” she says, her voice taking on an edge of seriousness. “Has that nasty boss of yours been giving you the leery eye again?”

My hand freezes. A moment passes where I debate lying to my best friend. But what good would that do? She’ll just find a way to lure it out of me. I’m too weak to her charms—just like with everyone else, it seems.

“Yeah, he has.”



She frowns hard. “You need to get a job somewhere else.”

“Y’know, I’ll get right on that. It’s not like I haven’t been looking.”

“Look, the offer is still on the table,” Willow says. “My dad’s office is still looking for someone. Why don’t you come to work at a place where you aren’t treated like a piece of meat? It’s real estate. It’s consistent. But more importantly, it’ssafe.” She glances around while her upper lip curls in disgust. “And not covered in whatever the hell this sticky stuff is.”

I scowl. “I’m not looking for handouts, Willow.”

“It’s not a fucking handout, Liya—it’s help.”

Crossing my arms over my chest makes me feel temporarily powerful, but I’m aware of how little I can stand her deeply critical stare. She’s as furious as me for very different reasons, and I’m too frustrated to come up with another clap back.

Besides, it’s too late. The front door is squeaking open. I have to direct my energy toward whoever decided to walk in before closing time.

“I already saidlast call, so don’t think for a second…”

My voice fades when I notice the guy that walks in with three rather large, muscular men flanking him. His pale skin seems to glow in the dim light like powdery snow, and his chiseled features keep me silent as he walks inside. His hair is a rich chestnut brown, shorter on the sides than the top, and mussed on purpose. The suit he has on makes him look like he stepped right off the front page of Vogue or GQ.

The guy is drop-deadgorgeous,and I feel like a wiry mouse of a girl in his presence when his frosted green eyes land on me. Light stubble decorated his cheeks and chin. His thin lips curve into a devious smile—one that absolutely promises danger—as he observes the bar.

Willow pokes me and whispers, “Earth to Liya.”

“Shut up,” I hiss while swatting her with the bar mop. My eyes haven’t left the sexy stranger. “Don’t start.”

“I’m going to start if you don’t tell me the last time you had a good fuck.”

“Look, I’ve just been so focused on getting into med school, okay?”


“Well, I just haven’t had time to…” My cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Y’know.”