“Fatherhood always makes us forget our manners, doesn’t it?”

“Get to the point.”

He chuckles before he finally says, “I’ve just lit a cigar for you, Pavel. Or is that supposed to beafterthe baby is born?”

A pit lodges itself in my stomach.

He knows about the pregnancy.

At my silence, he chuckles again. “Don’t be surprised, Pavel. I’ve had a guy rummaging through your trash ever since you got married.”

“If you try anything funny, I’ll have your head mounted on my wall.”

“Didn’t take you for a hunter. You don’t seem to have the, uh…” He grunts curiously. “Thestomachfor it.”

I grit my teeth. “Trust me, I have the stomach to do plenty of things.”

“Don’t worry. I’m a sentimental man. I don’t kill pregnant women.” He puffs his cigar. “And I’ll wait until your brat is born.”

“Stay thefuckaway from my family!”

He laughs, the scratchy sound cutting like static through the line. I’m gearing up for another round of threats when he states, “By the way, no idea why you took Vladimirovich’s stars. He’s been one hell of a soldier to me.”


I’m losing control.

Kiril refused my call, turned coat, and joined Cardona. Knowledge doesn’t make reality any less palatable. My enemy is dancing with my enemy, taunting me.

Mocking me.

Daringme to make a move.

I place my phone on the desk. Several minutes pass as I stare at the office door. It takes a few more minutes to remember where I am. The day has been a blur. Everything feels detached, sterile, weird.

My fingers move of their own accord, sending Stepan a text to summon him. Seconds later, he’s standing in front of my desk. His concerned expression isn’t missed.

I ignore it.

“Step up security for the baby shower,” I command. “Cover every fucking inch of this place with an armed man. I want people on the clockaroundthe clock. Clear?”

He nods. “Anything else, Pakhan?”

“Keep an eye out for packages addressed to Liya. Anything suspicious should be dumped immediately. Anyone claiming to be a distant family member of Liya should be tossed to the curb. No invitation, no entry.”

He looks over my head, staring at the scenery that I typically observe when I’m thinking. But I don’t exactly want to think right now. I just want to get through this event without another goddamn hiccup.

His metal plate is bouncing some thoughts around. I can sense it.

He eventually asks, “What if Jonas shows up?”

“He’s sleeping with the enemy. Why the hell would he show up?”

Stepan shrugs. “Because he’s Liya’s family and your brother-in-law.”

That’s a fair point. But I don’t recall anyone telling Jonas about the pregnancy.

I sure as fuck didn’t deliver the news to him.