Page 92 of The Playboy Project



“You must be Ashlyn Grove.”

Seeing Satan himself couldn’t have had a more dramatic effect on the woman at my side. As if sensing danger, she tucked herself closer to my arm. The masculine side of my mind rejoiced, a deep throbbing pleasure settling in my very bones at her involuntary need to find me in a moment of surprise.

She was safe with me. I curled my fingers around her elbow, feeling the satiny skin there.

She was smart to be worried. My father was no normal man. The man was a master manipulator, plain and simple. It didn’t matter who his children were or who we might care about. Daniel Macklen was going to get what he wanted, whether we stood in his way or not.

And now we were walking straight into the jaws of the lion. He would instantly know it was a sham. So much so that Ashlyn and I had discussed bringing Sam and Tanner in on the story beforehand. But in the end, we had opted to wait to see what my father thought of our little idea. It would either go very well or I was going to need bail money. But there was only one way to find out.

“Yes, Ashlyn, this is my father, Daniel Macklen.”

“You know, Liam, last time we talked you were pretty pissed about the whole PR plan. Furious, even. Looks like you’ve changed your tune, eh, my boy?”

I pulled my lips back in a farce of a smile for the cameras snapping all around us.

I hadn’t been his boy since I was seven years old and he screamed at me when I lost my T-ball game.

I opened my mouth to answer, when Ashlyn slipped in front of me, her slender form a warm presence against my chest. She held out a hand, unshaking and unafraid, toward my father.

“Yes, Ashlyn Grove, sir. It’s lovely to finally make your acquaintance.”

He raised both dark brows, the edges almost meeting the dyed dark edges of his hairline. I almost smiled.

Her words said one thing. Her face, fierce and tense, said another.

Dad shook her hand, offering the seductive smile that he knew the press would love. Below his breath, I could hear him whisper something to Ashlyn.

“If I’m not incorrect, it’s my son’s pleasure, not my own. But regardless, it’s lovely to meet you in theflesh.” The asshole drew out the last word, letting his eyes speak for themselves as he let his gaze wander.

I shifted, my temper hanging by a thread.

If Ashlyn hated the greeting as much as I did, she didn’t make a sound. The wide, practiced smile on her face never wavered. Not for the first time, I recognized the clear protectiveness in her stance and words. Deep in my chest, something tightened.

“It’s actuallymypleasure.” She spoke loudly, unafraid as the media fluttered around us. “I’ve been wondering what kind of asshole sacrifices his children's happiness for his career. Now I know.” She gave him the same deep, appraising look. Except at the end, she raised her brows. Clearly unimpressed.

Daniel was struck dumb. Or perhaps it was the Botox in his forehead. Either way, his face froze as her words landed like the swift chop of an axe.

I think I’m in love.

Fuck, she’s too good for all of this. And yet…she was acting like my champion.

Ashlyn lifted her chin to me, her face like marble, eyes flashing aquamarine. “I’m not impressed.” With a flip of her hair, she slid her hands farther through my elbow and I found myself gathered and pulled into the ballroom. Ashlyn even had the audacity to grin and wave at one of the photographers as we passed them. Maybe she knew them. Maybe she was just playing the part. It didn’t matter to me.

I was stunned. Her presence on my arm was confusing. Even more so was the way I felt Sam and Tanner fall in behind me, as if by measure or by orders.

It was the first time in years the Macklen siblings had acted as one. And all because this sweet-hearted, sharp-tongued woman had come barging into my life and changed…well, everything.

As soon as we entered the ballroom, Ashlyn curled into herself, one hand covering her face as she did.

“I can’t believe I said that. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Cici is going to kill me.”

Sam joined us, her perfectly tinted lips curled. “My goodness, Liam, when did you trade your kitten in for a lioness?”

I couldn't stop staring at Ashlyn as she took several steadying breaths. “I’m not sure.” I meant it.