Page 83 of The Playboy Project



I fiddled with the satin edge of my blouse. I’d gotten here early and now found myself standing awkwardly in the entry to the fanciest restaurant I’d been in in years. It was taking every part of my willpower to not chomp on my nails.

“You came,” a deep familiar voice spoke from behind me. “Hello, Ashlyn.”

I whirled, pressing a hand to my chest. I knew that voice well. Too well. A small, nervous smile crept across my face. It’d been a very long time. Carter Nelson was no less intimidating now as he had been when we were in school together. Thick arms, honed from years of his infamous carpentry and hours in the gym, swept me up against him. Sniffing, I let my arms dangle around him. He smelled like cedar and something reminiscent of smoke. I sighed. He was the all-American boy tied up with a bow. Why couldn’t I fall for someone like him? I patted his arm affectionately as he put me back down.

“Did you honestly think I’d stand you up? After all these years, you should know better.”

Deep, hauntingly beautiful blue eyes watched me. “Well when your receptionist gave me the runaround, I wasn't sure how you'd react to my message. Perhaps I should’ve. But I spent the past few years getting turned down repeatedly. You pack a heavy punch against a guy’s self-esteem.”

“Oh yeah.” I swallowed, feeling the pink flush darken my cheeks. “I guess I’d forgotten about that part.” I hadn’t forgotten about that part. I’d just avoided facing my college crush because next to his easy confidence and extensive resume, I felt like a walking disaster.

Carter’s golden brow arched up at me, his eyes no doubt catching the blush on my face. “Shall we go in? I got us a reservation.”

I nodded then allowed Carter to sweep me forward into the dining room. Everything was beautiful. The chandelier sparkled above us as we tucked into a neat little two-piece setting. By the time I ordered a glass of chardonnay, Carter had shucked his jacket off, reminding me exactly what I’d seen in him during college. He rolled up his sleeves, a smile on his lips as he watched.

“Why did you call me? I haven’t heard from you in years, Ash,” he said.

I stared off to the side, letting my eyes find the small live ensemble there, the long, soulful notes from the saxophone making me smile.

“I’m not really sure. I’m in a bit of a situation with work and needed help.”

Carter leaned back in his chair, eyeing me as I spoke.

“And I know you’re the best in the business. Or at least the best that I know personally.”

He grinned, completely disarming my nerves. “So I’m on the clock then, eh?”

“I’m guessing you don’t offer your advice for free anymore?”

A waitress slipped between us to set down a glass of white wine for me, a clear cocktail on the rocks for him.

His vibrant blue eyes watched me over the rim of his cocktail. “Not for free.”

I laughed, letting the chardonnay slip across my tongue. It was buttery and cool, exactly what I’d been craving.

“Say I wanted to trade my services for something from you,” he said, his voice whispering soft..

I set my glass down, raising a brow. “Careful there, Carter. This is a fine establishment. I’m not sure they abide by what you are insinuating.”

He laughed, warm and loose. “You haven’t changed a bit. And to make it abundantly clear, I meant a date, Ash. Let me take you on a real date. In return, you can ask me all the nitty gritty details of my life and professional expertise.”

My stomach heated. A few years ago, I would’ve danced my way over to Carter and thrown myself across his lap at those words. But now, the idea held little appeal. My heart was sore, my mind whirling over all things Liam Macklen, but they still very much belonged to him.

I looked down at my plate. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Carter.”

His hand brushed across mine that I’d laid on the table. “No ring?

I pulled my hand away slowly, a smile on my face before I realized it. “No, this is new. But it wouldn’t be right. I really like him. Even when I hate him.”

Carter gave me a rueful smile. “So it is Liam Macklen, then. I’ve seen it online and some of the gossip posts, but I wasn’t sure it was for real. There’s quite a lot of gray space in our business. And I can’t deny that I was secretly hoping you were going to let me finally take you on a date. After all these years, I’d just barely gotten over you when you called me yesterday. Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

I sipped my wine again. “There’s no way you ever pined over me in college.”

“Oh yes, I did. I wasn’t even a marketing major to begin with. Once I realized what classes you were in, I changed my major.”