Page 82 of The Playboy Project

Cici cocked a brow. “Fancy, schmancy. Who sent it?” Her gaze flickered to me, and I knew immediately she saw right through me.

I resisted the urge to squirm, holding my hands out to take the items from him.

“Liam Macklen, from Leden.”

I stared down at the packaging. Of course it was from him. I didn’t even bother walking back to my office before I tore through the box. As one, Luna, Cici, and I all gasped as a glacier blue gown slipped from the box, pooling across my hands. I held it up against my body, the fabric shimmering ever so slightly. It was gorgeous.

“There’s shoes too,” Luna said excitedly, holding up a box with a very distinctive brand across the side.

“No freaking way,” Cici practically squealed, yanking the perfect, diamond-encrusted heels from the box and staring slack-jawed at the brilliant cherry-colored soles. “I want you to know that I still have my doubts about this direction you are taking…but I have to borrow these. Soon. Please, I’m begging you.”

I laughed, swishing the dress against my body again. “As long as you don’t make me give the dress back, I’m absolutely okay sharing the shoes.”

“What about the man?” Luna asked, waggling bright-white eyebrows my way.

“Sorry, Luna. I think he’s kind of a one-woman guy right now. Maybe in a few weeks.”

She rolled her eyes, flicking a hand my way as she waddled happily back to her desk. “He knows where to find me.”

Cici bent down to go through the box one last time, coming up and holding out a card my way. Her lips were smiling, but I could read the very real worry there in her eyes. “Be careful, Ash. This guy is good.”

I didn’t have an answer for that. So I just nodded, taking the small envelope from her and popping it open. There in his neat, almost aggressive handwriting was a note from him.

I screwed up. Let me make it up to you. Please.

Your favorite project,


Biting my lip, I gave Luna and Cici a quick smile, spouting something about how I was going to finish the day working from home. By the time I’d settled everything back in its packaging and made my way outside, the card was burning a hole in my palm.

Ashlyn: This is kind of an expensive apology.

Liam: That’s kind of the point. And it wasn’t the apology. It was the bribe to get you to return my messages.

Ashlyn: Either way, it worked.

Liam: And I’m really sorry. I’m not used to being put on the spot, especially about something like that. But that didn’t make me any less of a dick.

Ashlyn: You are mostly forgiven.

Liam: Mostly?

Ashlyn: Mostly. I also require at least two dances at the party on Saturday. There will be dancing, right?

Liam: Yes. And I’m game unless you pull out those stupid moves you did at the club.

Ashlyn: You have comments on my moves? Didn’t you just apologize for something else?

Liam: Forget I said anything.

I’d made it home during our text conversation and settled the dress at the front of the closet and myself on the bed. I curled up around my screen, wanting to say more.

Ashlyn: How did you know my size?

Liam: Do I have to answer that?

Ashlyn: Good point. Forget I asked.

Liam: *laugh emoji* My sister helped. She thought the color would be nice too.

Ashlyn: It’s all really beautiful and totally over the top.

Liam: Any fake girlfriend of mine will have whatever she wants.

I didn’t know what to say to that. Because suddenly, irrationally, I wanted to delete the word “fake” from his message.

In short, I was in a boatload of trouble.