Page 73 of The Playboy Project

Ashlyn: Will do. <3

I fainted onto my couch, stupid smile on my face, clutching my phone and its growing notification tornado to my chest. I sobered as I flicked through the majority of the comments, my smile slipping.

I read until I couldn’t handle another comment. My stomach growled. I made a face at it. Cici had been right though. There was still practically nothing of real sustenance in the apartment, and my candy reserves were at an all-time low. I hauled myself up and off my sofa before throwing my Mary Poppins bag over my shoulder and my comfiest pairs of sandals on my feet. The little sandwich shop a block over had the best meatball subs. I would snag one of those and then deal with groceries in the morning when my motivation would hopefully return.

I snorted.

Lying to myself again.

I kept scrolling through the long lists of notifications, comments, messages, and voicemails on my short walk, barely noticing when I arrived at the front door. The cheerful chime made my stomach grumble again eagerly.

I settled in line behind a cute-looking gaggle of teenage girls who were all whispering amongst themselves. As I whipped out my wallet, the closest one, her bright red hair flashing, turned and caught my eye.

I smiled. But what I didn’t expect was the immediate and startling screech that left the girl’s mouth. One by one her flock turned, squealing as they set eyes on me.

“Oh my God!” One was pulling her hair.

I looked around frantically. Was there a bee? Teenage girl–eating spider? I didn’t see anything.

Another, wearing a torn band tee that had to be a decade older than her, pointed at me, her brightly painted nails jabbing my direction. “I knew it. I knew I’d seen her somewhere!”

“Are you really dating Liam Macklen?”

“Oh my God.” They had defaulted to pulling their hair as their phones all magically appeared in their hands.

Oh my God indeed. It was time to leave; I’d survive on candy and peanut butter until further notice. My feet were moving before my mind had time to catch up. I crashed awkwardly into the boulder of a man behind me, still trying to avoid my newfound demented ducklings.

“I have to go,” I offered lamely, holding my hands up as if to stem off their approach. It only made them squeal more, as if by addressing them directly I had confirmed their existence and my own.

I had to gonow.

“What’s he like?”

“Have you touched his abs?”

“Does he buy you presents?”

Dear sweet, heavenly Jesus. I was in a pickle. I dodged around the man behind me and made a run for the door, my cherished meatball sandwich long forgotten. I ducked around another confused-looking couple, ducklings still hot on my trail when one of my sandals hit a wet spot in the shop's tile floor.

One second I was inches from freedom. The next I was flying towards floor. The victim again of my own gracelessness and a freshly mopped white and gray speckled tile. Except this time, a pair of warm, strong hands had a grip on each of my shoulders. I looked up in surprise, legs still flailing in every direction.

Liam was there, half standing as he hauled me to a standing position. His eyes coasted over the now silent girls, each of their faces covered in the phones as they carefully recorded us. I wordlessly gripped his arms.

I’d prepared the press releases. I’d prepared the marketing plan. I’d even written him our breakup speech. But I had not prepared for this.

Warm gray eyes met mine, and I tried to smile as he set me back on my feet. His arm wrapped around my waist, drawing me practically off my feet as he sent an absolutely stunning smile at the gaggle. “Sorry, girls. I’ve got to steal this one.”

They swooned.

Shoot… Maybe I swooned. But either way, I was suddenly out and in the fresh air of the evening. Liam on one side, an unmarked black car parked along the curb.