Page 74 of The Playboy Project



“What are you doing here?”

Liam stalked up to stand beside me, his bulk shielding me from the windows of the sandwich shop. “I was coming to check on you. I thought that was obvious.”

Coming to check on me? Who was this guy? The smoldering, womanizing man from Cici’s files was nowhere to be seen. “I told you I was fine.”

Dark brows rose. He rubbed one hand over his jaw, still unshaven since I’d seen him yesterday. It was undeniably sexy. “I didn’t believe you. And I was worried.”

“You were worried about me?”

“Of course. I meant it when I texted you earlier.” He shrugged broad shoulders against the bite of the wind. “It was a lucky guess. I know you love this place.”

I sniffed. “I do.”

“If I struck out here, I was going to go to that overpriced smoothie place.”

“How do you know so much about my eating habits?”

Liam stepped closer. “I guess I like learning things about you. Is that so bad?”

“No, it’s not.” I danced back and forth on my toes. “I’m not very good at this.”

He raised a brow. “At what?”

“This. You.”

“I feel like you’ve been handling this pretty great, Ashlyn.” His smirk made me laugh out loud.

I gripped the handle of my bag, twisting the cheap leather. “I’m just mean that I’m not used to having someone like you. Someone to intervene. Especially when I need it.”

Liam’s lips quirked, but his gaze was warm on mine. He jerked his head. “Walk with me?”

“What? Where are you going?” I wasn’t sure why I bothered asking. He’d already set off, leaving the driver standing alongside the dark sedan as he held up his map application on his phone. He didn’t turn around to answer me.

“For dinner. I’m guessing we are getting close to that 90% hangry, 10% sexual frustration situation.Again. We both know what happens after that.” He sent a scathing look at me over his shoulder. My stomach clenched in anticipation.

“So, uh, where are we going?” I hurried to catch up.

Liam turned his phone raised in front of his face. “There’s a grocery store up here somewhere.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, it’s another block east.”

Liam stared. I swore in the lamplight I could see the tips of his ears turn red.

“Liam, do you know which way east is?”

“I don’t need to. I have a phone to tell me.”

“And how’s that working for you? How do you get anywhere?”

“Drivers,” he said dryly. Liam gave me a meaningful look. “Can I remind you that I just hauled you out of the air like a fucking ninja? I don’t need to know which way east is.”

I snorted. “Sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself. Lead the way, Columbus.” I swung my hand wide, flicking my fingers in the direction we needed to go. Liam strode off and I followed, trying to keep my eyes off the perfect way his jeans stretched across his ass.

It was difficult. “Hey Liam, slow up. I’ll walk with you.” As soon as I drew aside of him, Liam reached down, tangling his fingers with mine as we trudged up the next slope. I couldn’t ignore the way my body hummed at his touch or the overwhelming desire to do this every time we were together.