She looked down, lovely face twisted. “I don’t need to tell you how difficult things have been since Dad died. We need this Ash. It could change the course of Grove Communications. With Leden on board, we could hire another manager.”

“Maybe a new receptionist,” I grumbled.

Cici grinned. “Watch yourself. She has hearing like a freaking bat.”

I elbowed into her space, the familiar scent of her perfume brightening my mood. “I know things are tough. But you’re doing great.”

“We are barely surviving.”

“Grandpa would be thrilled you have kept everything going.”

My grandfather had been a force unto himself, a genius at networking, and had implanted himself in the companies all across San Francisco in the eighties and nineties. Unfortunately for us, in the past few years, age and bad luck had turned Grove Communications on its head. By the time Cici took over, the company was in severe distress.

She took it all in stride, of course, but rebuilding your family’s company while battling grief and boatloads of stress was still a lot. That’s why I was here though. Not that I’d had much waiting for me in LA, but it was a significant change of pace. I gave Luna another weary look.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Cici grinned, her entire face transforming. “I knew you would! Thank you, Ashlyn. I can’t wait to see what you have in mind for him.”

Me too, I thought warily. As Cici chatted about what kind of program she could set up for Leden Co., I stared down at the folders in front of me.

I had a lot of work to do.