Page 67 of The Playboy Project

Ian raised a brow at both of us on the couch, snagging his keys from the side table. “My God, man, delivery is overrated. You rich people can deal with the extra twenty minutes of walking. I’ll be right back.”

“Why don’t you take that one, too?” Sam drawled, pointing a manicured finger at Liam’s sulking figure. “He looks like he needs to walk out some of his…what do we call it? Oh yes,tension.” She glanced to me. “It’s really anger, but us Macklens don’t do emotions except in photographs. It’s really better for everyone if we let them go.”

Liam rolled his eyes, but I grinned. I might like this girl.

“Only because you asked so nicely,” Ian responded.

Sam shooed the pair of them out with a shuffle of her hands. “Don’t come back without carbs. Loads of them.”

The guys walked out, each of them giving me an odd look as they left. The moment the door closed, I stretched from my position to snag the handle of the sangria pitcher and drag it closer.

Sam grinned, holding her glass out. “I like the way you think.”

I refilled her glass and gave myself a splash to top it off. Red wine would keep me up all night, and I needed to keep a clear head until I knew for sure whether I was on the clock or not. It would be too easy to sit back and let that warm wave of sangria bliss carry me straight into a certain CEO’s arms.

I was having enough issues as it was, and that was when I was dead sober.

“I need to ask Ian what he puts in these. They are deadly,” I said to Sam.

“He’ll never tell you. Other than being a fantastic bartender, that man can keep a secret better than anyone I’ve never met. Probably why he and Liam are so tight.”

I nodded, slurping the tangy cocktail. “They are an odd pair.” A thought blasted through my mind. “Oh my gosh, have you and Ian…have you ever…?”

Sam burst out laughing. “Nope, never. Not that I haven’t tried before, but that guy is rigid and firmly believes anything of Liam’s is his to protect, not to enjoy.”

I shrugged. Nonchalantly, I swirled my glass. “Did you ever meet any of Liam’s past flings?”

Sam's eyes were shining bright as she surveyed me closely.

“Not that I’m interested. After all, we are only colleagues. He’s my client,” I said quickly.

She snorted. “Yeah, yeah. Of course. Colleagues. I remember. You guys looked awfully cuddled up the other day though.”

“It’s complicated. I’m not sure how to explain.” I squirmed on the couch. “Sorry I asked. That’s a major invasion of privacy.” God, my face was hot again.

“No, it’s definitely not! I would tell you if I knew anything, but Liam keeps his relationships far, far away from us.” Sam looked at me thoughtfully. “In fact, if you weren’t so convinced that you two are colleagues, I would’ve assumed that he was pretty serious about you.”

“I’ve only known him for a week.”

“Details, details. I’m just saying. He seems different with you. I like it.” Sam took a quick sip. “Although a few years ago, there was one serious relationship. The girl he dated all through school. We were all convinced she was the real deal.”

My breath whooshed through my chest. I fidgeted on the sofa, not sure I wanted to hear this part.

“Her name was Katherine Swanson. Her mother grew up with ours on set, and it was always Katherine and Liam from the very beginning. They were two peas in a pod. Or at least I thought so.”

Sam hesitated, and I waited, wishing I wasn’t so invested.

“When that story of Liam sneaking girls out of his birthday party hit the press, it changed everything.” Sam bit her lip, looking down. “I’m assuming you know which one I’m talking about.”

I nodded. It’d been the beginning of Liam’s chaotic relationship with the media. “Anyway, Katherine saw those pictures, the way the girls were draped over him.” She faded off briefly. “Katherine was pretty flexible, so that probaby wouldn’t have been such a big deal. Except he was supposed to be across town taking her out for dinner that night. And not just any dinner. He was going to propose to Katherine. Supposedly the ring was already in his pocket. It was a whole thing. Until it wasn’t. He made his excuses to her, obviously. But there was no way the mayor’s son was going to be able to fly under the radar. Not with a picture like that.”

I dreaded this next part.

“Obviously Katherine didn’t like that very much. No girl would. But Liam never had a chance to explain. The press ate it up. Bloggers, social media…even our friends shared that crap all over the place. Before I knew it, Katherine and Liam were done. The beautiful heiress breaks up with the campaign party boy. Liam didn’t leave the apartment for days.”

“How awful. I just can’t imagine what she must’ve felt like.”

“Liam too. He wasn’t the guy the media made him out to be,” Sam said sharply.